Voucher Match Automation Process Flow

When you run the Voucher Match Automation Driver program, the process runs several subprocesses, such as those for creating logged vouchers and those for matching receipts and purchase orders to invoice records.

This process flow illustrates the overall process for the VMA process. The process flow includes the names of related subprocesses for which illustrations exist in this implementation guide.

Process Flow C: Overall Process Flow for the Voucher Match Automation Process

When you run the Voucher Match Automation Driver program, the process:

  • Looks for setup information for the supplier and company.

    See Setup for Voucher Match Automation .

  • Determines the automation rule to use.

    The process uses the automation rule that exists in the invoice record, or uses the automation rule assigned to the supplier master record if the automation rule is not specified in the invoice record.

  • Reads the processing option values in the Voucher Match Automation Driver program, and the processing option values in the programs called by the Voucher Match Automation Driver program.

    See Understanding Processing Options for the Voucher Match Automation Process.

  • Runs validations and uses processing option values to determine which records to select for processing.

    The Voucher Match Automation Driver program launches each of the Voucher Match Automation UBE programs and uses the processing options in the Voucher Match Automation UBE programs to further define the F0411Z1 records to process. The Voucher Match Automation UBE programs are:

    • Voucher Match Automation UBE for Automation Rule 01 (R4304016)

    • Voucher Match Automation UBE for Automation Rule 02, 03, 04, 05 (R4304020)

    • Voucher Match Automation UBE for Automation Rule 06 (R4304021)

    See Automation Rules.

  • Runs the Batch Voucher Processor Report program (R04110ZA) to create logged vouchers, if you have the processing option in the Voucher Match Automation Driver program set to do so.

    See Create and Match Logged Vouchers.

  • Attempts to create matches or suggestions between the records in the Voucher Transaction - Batch Upload (F0411Z1) table and records in the Purchase Order Receiver File (F43121) and Purchase Order Detail File (F4311).

    The records in the F0411Z1 table must have corresponding records in the F0411Z1T table if you specified in the supplier master record that item information is required for matching.

    The records in the F43121 table must have corresponding valid records in the F4311 table.

    For logged vouchers, the process matches the logged vouchers to receipts and purchase orders, and then redistributes the logged voucher amounts. For invoice records with no logged voucher record, the process creates standard vouchers for matches between F0411Z1, F43121, and F4311 records.

  • Generates reports for proof, suggest, and final modes.


If you run the VMA process in suggest mode, the process creates suggested matches between the invoice lines and the receipt and purchase order lines. You use the Voucher Match Process Workbench program to review and manage the suggestions, and then either complete the match in the Voucher Match Process Workbench program, or run the VMA batch programs in final mode to complete the match. When you review and manage suggested matches, the system updates or creates the record in the F0411Z1T table that corresponds to the invoice line in the F0411Z1 table.

See Understanding the Voucher Match Process Workbench and Using the Voucher Match Process Workbench.