Create and Match Logged Vouchers

Note: This section discusses processes and table updates for final mode. See Using the Voucher Match Process Workbench for information about how the system processes records in suggest mode.

You can use the voucher match automation (VMA) process to create logged vouchers and match the logged vouchers to receipt records in the F43121 table and purchase orders in the Purchase Order Detail File (F4311). You enter 1 in the Create Logged Voucher processing option in the Voucher Match Automation Driver program (R4304010) to create logged vouchers using the VMA process. Additionally, if you specify in the supplier master record that item information is required, a record that corresponds to the invoice record in the F0411Z1 table must exist in the F0411Z1T table.

Note: The Voucher Entry MBF program (P0400047) includes a processing option in which you specify whether to create logged vouchers. The VMA process does not use the Voucher Logging processing option in the Voucher Entry MBF program.

When you run the Voucher Match Automation Driver program with the Create Logged Voucher processing option set to 1, the process:

  • Selects valid F0411Z1 records to process based on the values in the Data Selection specified in the Voucher Match Automation Driver program.

    In addition to using the values in the Data Selection, the Voucher Match Automation Driver program also uses these validation criteria when selecting records:

    • The value for the Automation Flag field is 1.

    • The value for the EDI Transaction Type (data item EDTR) is V.

    • The pay status is A, P, or #.

      Only records with a pay status of A, P, or # are eligible for processing using the voucher match automation (VMA) process. You can specify one of these values in the Pay Status processing option of the Voucher Match Automation UBE programs to restrict the VMA process to match only invoice lines with the specified pay status type.

    • A corresponding record exists in the F0411Z1T table with item information that matches the item information in the selected F0411Z1 record if the supplier master record indicates that the item information is required.

    • The invoice match status in the F0411Z1T table must be blank (unprocessed) or 3 (approved). For invoices with an invoice match status of 3, the process creates vouchers only when you set the Process Approved Invoices processing option to process approved records.

  • Runs the Batch Voucher Processor Report program (R04110ZA) to generate logged vouchers.

    The Batch Voucher Processor Report program uses the same AAIs to create voucher records and journal entries in the F0411 and F0911 tables as it uses when you create logged vouchers outside of the voucher match automation process.

    See "Setting Up AAIs for Accounts Payable" and "Processing Logged Vouchers" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Accounts Payable Implementation Guide.

    For successfully processed records, changes the process type of the F0411Z1 records from 1 (new or unmatched) to 2 (logged voucher).

    If the process cannot create a logged voucher because of a validation error in the F0411Z1 record, the system generates an error message in the Work Center. The process does not change the process type for F0411Z1 records that it is unable to process, and does not retain updates to other fields in the F0411Z1 for unprocessed records.

  • Runs all of the Voucher Match Automation UBE programs to process all valid records with all automation rules.

    The VMA process refines the data set of F0411Z1 records based on the processing options in the Voucher Match Automation UBE programs.

  • Attempts to match the logged vouchers in the F0411 table that correspond to the process type 2 records in the F0411Z1 table to one or more records in the F43121 and F4311 tables.

    The VMA process selects the newly created logged vouchers and the logged vouchers that you created during previous runs of the process. The VMA process then attempts to match each F0411 record to one or more receipts and purchase orders, according to the automation rule.

    If the VMA process successfully matches the F0411 record to one or more records in the F43121 and F4311 tables, the VMA process:

    • Redistributes logged voucher amounts in the F0411 and F0911 tables in the same manner as amounts are redistributed when you use the Voucher Match program (P4314).

      The VMA process uses the version of the Voucher Match program (P4314) that you specify in a processing option.

      You can specify different versions of the Voucher Match program in the different Voucher Match Automation UBE programs (R4304016 and R4304020).

      Note: The VMA process creates or updates records in the database tables when you run the process in final mode. See Understanding Proof, Final and Suggest ModesIf the process runs in final or suggest mode over a dataset that includes records for which the invoice match status is 3 (approved), and you set the Process Approved Invoices processing option to 1 (process), the process updates the F0411Z1T record to show an invoice match status of 4 (matched after suggestion).The Voucher Match Automation Driver UBE program (R4304010) updates some fields that have blank values when it selects records to process in both proof and final mode. See Validation of Records in the Voucher Transactions - Batch Upload Table (F0411Z1)If you populate the purchase order fields in the F0411Z1 tables, the VMA process matches the invoice records to only the corresponding purchase orders and receipts. If you populate the item number fields in the F0411Z1 table, the VMA process matches the invoice records to only the corresponding purchase orders and receipts with the same item information.If you populate the Document Number and Document Type fields in the F0411Z1 tables, the VMA process overwrites the values when it creates the F0411 records for the logged vouchers.
    • Changes the process type in the F0411Z1 table to 4 (matched).

    • Generates one batch number for all vouchers that are created.

    • Lists information about the matched records in the reports generated by the process.

      The process generates a separate report for each voucher matching program.

  • If the process does not successfully match the process type 2 records in the F0411 table to one or more records in the F43121 and F4311 tables, the process type remains 2.

    The process does not update records in the F0411 and F0911 tables for records that are not matched. Unmatched records appear in the report with a message stating that no match was found. Records are unmatched if the process does not find matching receipts and purchase orders, or if the record failed the validations. Check the Work Center for unmatched records to view warning and error messages.

This illustration shows the process flow to create logged vouchers:

Process Flow G: Create Logged Vouchers