Invoice Match Status

Invoice match statuses exist in the Voucher Transactions Batch Upload - Voucher Match Automation table (F0411Z1T). When you initially upload data to the F0411Z1 table, or when the system creates a record, each invoice line has an invoice match status of unprocessed. See Populate the Voucher Transaction Batch Upload - Voucher Match Automation Table (F0411Z1T).

As you work with the invoice lines, the status changes to reflect the actions that have been performed on the record. The current status of the record determines the actions that you can perform. This list describes the invoice match statuses:

  • Blank: Unprocessed

    Records in the F0411Z1T table are unprocessed when they:

    • Have never been suggested for matches.

    • Were suggested for matches but have had the suggestions cleared.

    • Have not had actions taken against them that assign a different invoice match status. For example, when you match, approve, or reject an invoice line, the system assigns an invoice match status that reflects those actions.

  • 1: Suggested

    Invoice records have a status of Suggested when they were matched to receipt records in suggest mode and you have not taken an action that changes the status.

  • 2: Rejected

    Invoice records have a status of Rejected when you use the option to reject the suggested match between an invoice and receipt record. The system maintains the record reservation for the receipt lines so that they cannot be matched to other invoices. To enable matching to other receipts, you must clear the suggestion.

  • 3: Approved

    Suggested matches are approved when you use the option to approve the match. After you approve matches, you must take further action to complete the match, either in the Voucher Match Process Workbench program or by running the VMA process.

  • 4: Successfully Matched After Suggestion

    The system assigns this invoice match status after an approved suggestion is processed to complete the match.

  • 5: Successfully Matched Without Suggestion

    The system assigns this status for records that it matches when you run the Voucher Match Automation UBEs (R4304016, R4304020, and R4304021) in final mode for unprocessed records. Unprocessed records are those for which no suggestion was made, and those for which a suggestion was made and then cleared.

  • 6: Manually Match

    The system assigns this status to the invoice record when you select the Manually Match action for a record. If you select this action, you cannot match the invoice line to a receipt and purchase order in the Voucher Match Process Workbench program or the VMA process. You must use the Voucher Match program (P4314) to match the invoice line to a receipt line.

    When you select the Manually Match option, the system changes the Automation Flag and Automation Rule fields in the F0411Z1 table to blank, and the Invoice Match Status in the F0411Z1T table to 6 (manual match), so that the records must be processed outside of the VMA process.