Populate the Voucher Transaction Batch Upload - Voucher Match Automation Table (F0411Z1T)

The VMA process uses the F0411Z1T table to hold values for the invoice match status and item number information. If you set up your suppliers to require item information on their invoices, you must also populate the Voucher Transaction Batch Upload - Voucher Match Automation table (F0411Z1T) with the item information. If you specify in the supplier master record that you require this information, then the VMA process performs or suggests matches only when the information matches.

See Order and Item Information for the VMA Process


You must populate the F0411Z1T table with item information if you require that information for matching or the process will not match records.

The system does not require you to populate the F0411Z1T record if you do not require the item information; the process will create a record so that it can store the invoice match status. However, Oracle recommends that you create a corresponding record in the F0411Z1T table for each record in the F0411Z1 table. If you create the records for the F0411Z1T table, the system does not have to create the record when it processes matches and suggested matches. Requiring the system to create the record in the F0411Z1T table increases processing time.

You can populate the F0411Z1T table using scanning software, or your own custom programming. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software does not provide a method to populate the F0411Z1T table other than the standard import data function.

See "Importing Data from an External Spreadsheet to a Grid" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Foundation Guide.

This list describes the fields that you must populate:

  • User ID

  • Batch Number

  • Transaction Number

  • Line Number

If you require item information to match supplier invoice lines to receipts and purchase orders, then you must complete at least one of these fields:

  • Short Item Number

  • 2nd Item Number

  • Item Number - Customer/Supplier

Note: (Release 9.2 Update) When F0411Z1 and F0411Z1T are populated with invoice and invoice fee lines for the VMA process, you must ensure to enter invoice fee lines with Process Type (PSTE) ‘5’ in F0411Z1 and also the expense account ID in the Future Use String 4 (FUSS4) of F0411Z1T.