Order and Item Information for the VMA Process

You can specify in the supplier master record whether you want to require that purchase order, item information, or both purchase order and item information be used in the VMA process. If you specify that the information is required, the VMA process compares the order, item, or both order and item information in the invoice to the order and item information in the receipt line and purchase order lines. The process matches or suggests matches only between invoice lines and receipt lines for which the specified information matches.

If you select the Order Information Required option in the supplier master record, you must upload the order number for each supplier invoice line to the Voucher Transaction Batch Upload (F0411Z1) table before you use the VMA process to match invoice lines to receipt and purchase order lines. If you upload additional order information, such as the order type, order suffix, order company and order line number, the VMA process uses those values in addition to the order number when matching invoice lines to receipt and purchase order lines.

If you select the Item Information Required option in the supplier master record, one of these conditions must exist, or the VMA process generates an error for the invoice line:

  • The short item number must exist in the F0411Z1 record.

  • The short item number must exist in the Voucher Transaction Batch Upload - Voucher Match Automation table (F0411Z1T).

  • The second item number must exist in the F0411Z1T table.

    If you provide the second item number and do not provide the short item number, the VMA process uses the second item number to retrieve the short item number from the Item Master table (F4101).

  • The customer/supplier item number must exist in the F0411Z1T table.

    If you provide the customer/supplier item number and do not provide the short item number, the VMA process uses the customer/supplier item number to retrieve the short item number from the F4101.

The VMA process retrieves the short item number to use when it matches records or suggests matches. If you include the short item number as well as the second item number or the customer/supplier item number, the VMA process validates that all of the item numbers provided are associated with the same item.

If you select the option to require order information and do not include the required information in the F0411Z1 records, then the VMA process does not generate matches or suggestions for those invoice lines. If you select the option to require item information and do not include the required information in the F0411Z1T records, then the VMA process does not generate matches or suggestions for those invoice lines. For both options, the process generates an error message if required information is missing.

You can use the Batch Voucher Revisions program (P0411Z1) to add the missing information to the record and then reprocess the record. Or, you can use the Voucher Match Process Workbench program (P4314WB) to change the status of the record so that you can manually match the record outside of the VMA process.