
These processing options specify enter interface information.

1. Business Unit Validation

Specify how the system validates the branch/plant. Values are:

Blank: The system validates the branch/plant against the Business Unit Master table (F0006).

Typically, you use this processing option when you are performing services expenditure purchasing. When you leave this processing option blank, the Ship To address-book number default value originates from the address book number in the F0006 table. You can access the F0006 table through the Revise Single Business Unit program.

1: The system validates the branch/plant against the Inventory Constants table (F41001).

If you are performing stock purchasing, enter 1 for this processing option. When you enter 1< the system uses the address book number in the F41001 table as the default for the Ship To address book number.

2. PBCO Warning

Specify whether to issue a PBCO (Post Before Cutoff) warning. Values are:

Blank: The system compares the general ledger date on the purchase order to the general accounting period for the company and business unit that are on the purchase order.

The PBCO warning ensures that you are not recording purchases in a prior general accounting period.

1: Do not issue.

Typically, you use this value when you are performing services or expenditure-type purchasing.

3. PACO Warning

Specify whether to issue a PACO (Post After Cutoff) warning. Values are:

Blank: The system compares the general ledger date on the purchase order with the current period in the General Accounting Constants for the company and business unit that are on the purchase order.

The PACO warning occurs when you try to create a purchase order with a general ledger date that exceeds two periods beyond the current general ledger period.

1: Do not issue.

4. Quantity Update

Specify which quantity processing option to update. Before you set this processing option, always check the way that you have defined availability in the Branch/Plant Constants program. Values are:

Blank: Update the Quantity on PO field (alias PREQ).

1: Update the Quantity On Other POs field (alias OT1A) in the Item Branch table (F4102) or the Location table (F41021).

Use this value when you are entering requisitions, quotes, blanket orders, or other order types for which you do not want to affect the current on-purchase order quantity.

5. Supplier Analysis

Specify whether to capture supplier analysis information. Values are:

Blank: Do not capture supplier analysis information.

1: Record information such as item numbers, dates, and quantities for every purchase order in the Supplier/Item Relationships table (F43090).

To make supplier analysis most effective, enter 1 for this processing option and set the processing options for the Purchase Order Receipts program (P4312) and the Voucher Match program (P4314) to capture the same information.

6. Edit Supplier Master

Specify whether to validate the supplier number against the Supplier Selection File table (F4330). Values are:

Blank: Do not validate the supplier number.

1: Validate the supplier number.

7. Financial AAIs

Specify whether to use financial or distribution AAIs. Additionally, the system uses this processing option to determine which description appears for the Business Unit field (MCU) that appears on the Order Header form and the Order Detail form. For example, if you leave this processing option blank, the MCU field displays the description Branch/Plant. Values are:

Blank: Branch/Plant

1: Job. The system uses the financial AAI CD, CT, or CR.

2: Project. The system uses distribution AAIs.

3: Business Unit