Understanding Table Conversions

Table Conversion Workbench runs the table conversions that convert technical and application tables to the new format for Release 9.2. It updates the F98405 table to indicate completion, and writes a conversion log record to the F984052 table for each conversion.

Use the following procedures when running Workbench in attended mode or if a task break is set before Table Conversion Workbench.

All users must run the table conversions that appear in the Release 9.2 Table Conversion Workbench.

Tip: You can safely ignore GT98DSA and GT98DSB errors reported in R8900165_XJDE0001.
Note: If you have chosen to run TCs on the Enterprise Server (the default), the following TCs will still run on the Deployment Server:

This section discusses:

  • Running Table Conversions

  • Table Conversion Workbench Architecture

  • Configuring Table Conversions to Run on the Enterprise Server

  • Verifying the Table Conversion Process

  • Deferring Index Builds During Table Conversion Workbench