Listing Available Patches

Viewing Available Patches by Using the Oracle Database Cloud Service Console

  1. Go to the Patching page for the database deployment on which you want to check patching:

    1. Open the Oracle Database Cloud Service console.

      For detailed instructions, see Accessing the My Services Dashboard and the Oracle Database Cloud Service Console.

    2. Click the database deployment on which you want to check patching.

      The Oracle Database Cloud Service Overview page is displayed.

    3. Click the Administration tile and then click the Patching tab.

      The Oracle Database Cloud Service Patching page is displayed.

  2. A list of patches you can apply appears in the Available Patches section.


    The Oracle Database Cloud Service Patching page shows only the few most recent patches that are associated with the database deployment for each patching category; that is, operating system patches, database patches or grid infrastructure patches.

Other Ways to View Available Patches

For Oracle Database and Oracle Grid Infrastructure patches, you can use the exadbcpatchmulti or dbaascli utility. See:

Listing Available Patches by Using the exadbcpatchmulti Command

You can produce a list of available Oracle Database or Oracle Grid Infrastructure patches using the exadbcpatchmulti command as follows:

  1. Connect to the compute node as the opc user and start a command shell as the root user.

    For detailed instructions, see Connecting to a Compute Node Through Secure Shell (SSH).

  2. Execute the exadbcpatchmulti command with the -list_patches action:

    # /var/opt/oracle/exapatch/exadbcpatchmulti -list_patches 
     -oh=hostname:oracle_home [-sshkey=sshkey_file]

    In the preceding command:

    • -oh specifies a compute node and Oracle Home directory for which you want to list the available patches. In this context, an Oracle Home directory may be an Oracle Database home directory or the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home directory.

    • -sshkey optionally specifies the location of the SSH private key of the opc user, which is used to connect to compute nodes in the cluster.

    For example:

    # /var/opt/oracle/exapatch/exadbcpatchmulti -list_patches 


    The list of available patches is determined by interrogating the database to establish the patches that have already been applied. When a patch is applied, the corresponding database entry is made as part of the SQL patching operation, which is executed at the end of the patch workflow. Therefore, the list of available patches may include partially applied patches along with patches that are currently being applied.

Listing Available Patches by Using the dbaascli Command

You can produce a list of available Oracle Database or Oracle Grid Infrastructure patches using the dbaascli command as follows:

  1. Connect to a compute node as the opc user and start a command shell as the root user.

    For detailed instructions, see Connecting to a Compute Node Through Secure Shell (SSH).

  2. Execute the dbaascli patch db list command:

    # dbaascli patch db list --oh hostname:oracle_home

    In the preceding command, --oh specifies a compute node and Oracle Home directory for which you want to list the available patches. In this context, an Oracle Home directory may be an Oracle Database home directory or the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home directory.

    For example:

    # dbaascli patch db list --oh hostname1:/u02/app/oracle/product/


    The list of available patches is determined by interrogating the database to establish the patches that have already been applied. When a patch is applied, the corresponding database entry is made as part of the SQL patching operation, which is executed at the end of the patch workflow. Therefore, the list of available patches may include partially applied patches along with patches that are currently being applied.