Setting Language Preferences for Accounts

As an account administrator, you can set language and time zone preferences for each of the accounts you manage.


Language or time zone preferences set by individual users override the preferences set by an account administrator.

To set the language and time zone preferences:
  1. Sign in to the application.
  2. Click on the logged-in user name menu in the top-right corner.
  3. Click Manage Accounts.
    This displays the Manage Accounts dialog box.
  4. Select an account from the Customer Account list.
  5. Select your preferred language from the Language list.
  6. Select the country and the related time zone from the Timezone list.


    If your country doesn’t have a specific time zone, select Other from the Timezone list. When you select Other, the time zone list displays a list of all the available universal time zone values. Select a time zone from the list as applicable.

  7. Click Update to save the changes.