Creating Instances Using an Orchestration

To create multiple instances in Compute Classic, you must create the required resources (SSH public keys, storage volumes, security lists, and so on), define the attributes of the instances in an orchestration JSON file, add the orchestration to Compute Classic, and then start the orchestration.

Task Procedure / REST API Call
1. Generate SSH key pairs. See Generating an SSH Key Pair in Using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute Classic.
2. Add the public keys to Compute Classic. POST /sshkey/
3. (Optional) Create storage volumes for storing data and applications.

Note that you can also create storage volumes and attach them after creating the instances.

POST /storage/volume/
4. (Optional) Create boot disks.

This step is required only if you want to set up the instances to boot from a persistent disk.

POST /storage/volume/ (with the bootable parameter set to True)
5. (Optional) Create security lists. POST /seclist/
6. (Optional) Reserve the required number of public IP addresses.

This step is required only if you want to assign a fixed public IP address to your instance.

POST /ip/reservation/
7. Define the attributes of all your instances in an orchestration file, a text file in JSON format.

These attributes include the instance shape; the machine image to be used to create the instance; and the SSH keys, IP address, storage volumes, and security lists that you want to attach.

See Building Your First Orchestration in Using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute Classic.
8. Add the orchestration to the service. POST /orchestration/
9. Start the orchestration. PUT /orchestration/{name}?action=START
10. Monitor the status of the orchestration. GET /orchestration/{name}

After all the objects defined in the orchestration are created, the status of the orchestration changes to ready.

See Also: