
Back up and restore Rancher

Rancher maintains many configurations, like user credentials and cluster credentials, as ConfigMaps and namespace values. The rancher-backup Operator provides a seamless way to back up and restore Rancher installations, configuration, and data.

rancher-backup Operator prerequisites

Before proceeding with a Rancher back up or restore operation, the following details should be kept handy:

  • Object store bucket name.
    • An Amazon S3 compatible object storage bucket. This can be an Oracle Cloud Object Storage bucket in any compartment of your Oracle Cloud tenancy.
      • For reference, make a note of the bucket name and tenancy name.
      • For more information about creating a bucket with Object Storage, see Managing Buckets.
    • For private clouds, enterprise networks, or air-gapped environments, this could be MinIO or an equivalent object store solution.
  • Object store prefix name. This will be a child folder under the bucket, which the backup component creates.
  • Object store region name.
  • Object store signing key.
    • A signing key, which is required to authenticate with the Amazon S3 compatible object store; this is an Access Key/Secret Key pair.
    • In Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, you or your administrator creates the Customer Secret Key.
      • An associated Access Key will be generated for the secret key.
      • To create a Customer Secret Key, see Customer Secret Key.

To back up or restore Rancher, you must first enable rancherBackup.

  1. The following configuration shows you how to enable rancherBackup.

    $ kubectl apply -f -<<EOF
     apiVersion: install.verrazzano.io/v1beta1
      kind: Verrazzano
        name: example-verrazzano
       profile: dev
            enabled: true

  2. For rancher-backup, the pods will be created in the cattle-resources-system namespace.

      # Sample of pods running after enabling the rancherBackup component
      $ kubectl get pod -n cattle-resources-system
      NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      rancher-backup-5c4b985697-xw7md   1/1     Running   0          2d4h

  3. Rancher requires a secret to communicate with the S3 compatible object store. So, in the namespace verrazzano-backup, create a Kubernetes secret rancher-backup-creds.

     $ kubectl create secret generic -n <backup-namespace> <secret-name> --from-literal=accessKey=<accesskey> --from-literal=secretKey=<secretKey>

    The following is an example:

     $ kubectl create secret generic -n verrazzano-backup rancher-backup-creds --from-literal=accessKey="s5VLpXwa0xNZQds4UTVV" --from-literal=secretKey="nFFpvyxpQvb0dIQovsl0"

Rancher backup

The rancher-backup Operator creates the backup file, in *.tar.gz format, on the S3 compatible object store.

  1. To initiate a Rancher backup, create the following example custom resource YAML file that uses an Amazon S3 compatible object store as a back end. The operator uses the credentialSecretNamespace value to determine where to look for the Amazon S3 backup secret.
     $ kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
       apiVersion: resources.cattle.io/v1
       kind: Backup
         name: <rancher-backup-name>
             credentialSecretName: <rancher backup credential name>
             credentialSecretNamespace: <namespace where credential object was created>
             bucketName: <object store bucket. This must be exist as noted in pre-requisites section>
             folder: <folder name. This folder will be auto created>
             region: <region name where bucket exists>
             endpoint: <object store endpoint configuration>
         resourceSetName: rancher-resource-set

NOTE: In Step 3. of the example in the prerequisites section, you created the secret in the verrazzano-backup namespace.

The following is an example:

 $ kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
   apiVersion: resources.cattle.io/v1
   kind: Backup
     name: rancher-backup-test
         credentialSecretName: rancher-backup-creds
         credentialSecretNamespace: verrazzano-backup
         bucketName: myvz-bucket
         folder: rancher-backup
         region: us-phoenix-1
         endpoint: mytenancy.compat.objectstorage.us-phoenix-1.oraclecloud.com
     resourceSetName: rancher-resource-set

The *.tar.gz file is stored in a location configured in the storageLocation field. When the backup is complete, then the rancher-backup Operator creates a file on the S3 compatible object store.

  1. You can retrieve the backed up file name, as shown:
     $ kubectl get backups.resources.cattle.io rancher-backup-test
       NAME                 LOCATION   TYPE       LATEST-BACKUP                                                                     RESOURCESET            AGE   STATUS
       rancher-backup-test             One-time   rancher-615034-957d182d-44cb-4b81-bbe0-466900049124-2022-11-14T16-42-28Z.tar.gz   rancher-resource-set   54s   Completed

Rancher scheduled backups

To implement scheduled Rancher backups, see Backup Configuration in the Rancher documentation.

Rancher restore

During the restore operation, Rancher ensures that it recreates all the CRDs related to Rancher and configurations. Restoring Rancher is done by creating a custom resource that indicates to rancherBackup to start the restore process.

  1. To initiate a Rancher restore operation, create the following example custom resource YAML file. When a Restore custom resource is created, the operator accesses the backup *.tar.gz file specified and restores the application data from that file.

     $ kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
       apiVersion: resources.cattle.io/v1
       kind: Restore
         name: s3-restore
         backupFilename: rancher-615034-957d182d-44cb-4b81-bbe0-466900049124-2022-11-14T16-42-28Z.tar.gz
             credentialSecretName: rancher-backup-creds
             credentialSecretNamespace: verrazzano-backup
             bucketName: myvz-bucket
             folder: rancher-backup
             region: us-phoenix-1
             endpoint: mytenancy.compat.objectstorage.us-phoenix-1.oraclecloud.com
    The rancher-backup Operator scales down the Rancher deployment during the restore operation and scales it back up after the restoration completes.

    Resources are restored in this order:

    1. Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)
    2. Cluster-scoped resources
    3. Namespace resources

    NOTE: The backupFilename is retrieved from the Rancher backup created previously.

  2. Wait for all the Rancher pods to be in the RUNNING state.

    $ kubectl wait -n cattle-system --for=condition=ready pod -l app=rancher --timeout=600s
      pod/rancher-69976cffc6-bbx4p condition met
      pod/rancher-69976cffc6-fr75t condition met
      pod/rancher-69976cffc6-pcdf2 condition met