Traits and Workloads
- IngressTrait
- LoggingTrait
- MetricsTrait
- VerrazzanoCoherenceWorkload
- VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload
- VerrazzanoWebLogicWorkload
IngressTrait specifies the ingress traits API.
Field | Description | ||||||
apiVersion string |
kind string |
IngressTrait |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec IngressTraitSpec |
status IngressTraitStatus |
The observed state of an ingress trait and related resources. |
LoggingTrait specifies the logging traits API.
Field | Description | ||||||||
apiVersion string |
kind string |
LoggingTrait |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec LoggingTraitSpec |
status LoggingTraitStatus |
The observed state of a logging trait and related resources. |
MetricsTrait specifies the metrics trait API.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||
apiVersion string |
kind string |
MetricsTrait |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec MetricsTraitSpec |
status MetricsTraitStatus |
The observed state of a metrics trait and related resources. |
VerrazzanoCoherenceWorkload specifies the Verrazzano Coherence workload API.
Field | Description | ||
apiVersion string |
kind string |
VerrazzanoCoherenceWorkload |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec VerrazzanoCoherenceWorkloadSpec |
The desired state of a Verrazzano Coherence workload.
status VerrazzanoCoherenceWorkloadStatus |
The observed state of a Verrazzano Coherence workload. |
VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload specifies the Verrazzano Helidon workload API.
Field | Description | ||||
apiVersion string |
kind string |
VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec VerrazzanoHelidonWorkloadSpec |
The desired state of a Verrazzano Helidon workload.
status VerrazzanoHelidonWorkloadStatus |
The observed state of a Verrazzano Helidon workload. |
VerrazzanoWebLogicWorkload specifies the Verrazzano WebLogic workload API.
Field | Description | ||||
apiVersion string |
kind string |
VerrazzanoWebLogicWorkload |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec VerrazzanoWebLogicWorkloadSpec |
The desired state of a Verrazzano WebLogic workload.
status VerrazzanoWebLogicWorkloadStatus |
The observed state of a Verrazzano WebLogic workload. |
(Appears on:IngressPath)
AuthorizationPolicy defines the set of rules for authorizing a request.
Field | Description |
rules []AuthorizationRule |
Rules are used to match requests from request principals to specific paths given an optional list of conditions. |
(Appears on:AuthorizationPolicy)
AuthorizationRule matches requests from a list of request principals that access a specific path subject to a list of conditions.
Field | Description |
from AuthorizationRuleFrom |
Specifies the request principals for access to a request. An asterisk (*) will match when the value is not empty, for example, if any request principal is found in the request. |
when []AuthorizationRuleCondition |
Specifies a list of additional conditions for access to a request. |
(Appears on:AuthorizationRule)
AuthorizationRuleCondition provides additional required attributes for authorization.
Field | Description |
key string |
The name of a request attribute. |
values []string |
A list of allowed values for the attribute. |
(Appears on:AuthorizationRule)
AuthorizationRuleFrom includes a list of request principals.
Field | Description |
requestPrincipals []string |
Specifies the request principals for access to a request. |
(Appears on:VerrazzanoHelidonWorkloadSpec)
DeploymentTemplate specifies the metadata and pod spec of a Helidon workload.
Field | Description |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Metadata about a Helidon application. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of themetadata field.
podSpec Kubernetes core/v1.PodSpec |
The pod spec of a Helidon application. |
selector Kubernetes meta/v1.LabelSelector |
Label selector of a Helidon application. |
strategy Kubernetes apps/v1.DeploymentStrategy |
The replacement strategy of a Helidon application. |
(Appears on:IngressRule)
IngressDestination specifies a specific destination host and port for the ingress paths.
If there are multiple ports defined for a service, then the destination port must be specified OR the service port name must have the prefixhttp
Field | Description |
host string |
Destination host. |
httpCookie IngressDestinationHTTPCookie |
Session affinity cookie. |
port uint32 |
Destination port. |
(Appears on:IngressDestination)
IngressDestinationHTTPCookie specifies a session affinity cookie for an ingress trait.
Field | Description |
name string |
The name of the HTTP cookie. |
path string |
The path of the HTTP cookie. |
ttl time.Duration |
The lifetime of the HTTP cookie (in seconds). |
(Appears on:IngressRule)
IngressPath specifies a specific path to be exposed for an ingress trait.
Field | Description |
path string |
If no path is provided, then it defaults to forward slash ( |
pathType string |
Path type values are case-sensitive and formatted as follows:
prefix if path specified is / ; otherwise, defaults to exact .
authorizationPolicy AuthorizationPolicy |
Defines the set of rules for authorizing a request. |
(Appears on:IngressTraitSpec)
IngressRule specifies a rule for an ingress trait.
Field | Description |
destination IngressDestination |
The destination host and port for the ingress paths. |
hosts []string |
One or more hosts exposed by the ingress trait. Wildcard hosts or hosts that are empty are filtered out. If there are no valid hosts provided, then a DNS host name is automatically generated and used. |
paths []IngressPath |
The paths to be exposed for an ingress trait. |
(Appears on:IngressTraitSpec)
IngressSecurity specifies the secret containing the certificate securing the transport for an ingress trait.
Field | Description |
secretName string |
The name of a secret containing the certificate securing the transport. The specification of a secret here implies that a certificate was created for specific hosts, as specified in an IngressRule. |
(Appears on:IngressTrait)
IngressTraitSpec specifies the desired state of an ingress trait.
Field | Description |
rules []IngressRule |
A list of ingress rules for an ingress trait. |
tls IngressSecurity |
The security parameters for an ingress trait. This is required only if specific hosts are given in an IngressRule. |
workloadRef OAM common/v1.TypedReference |
The WorkloadReference of the workload to which this trait applies. This value is populated by the OAM runtime when an ApplicationConfiguration resource is processed. When the ApplicationConfiguration is processed, a trait and a workload resource are created from the content of the ApplicationConfiguration. The WorkloadReference is provided in the trait by OAM to ensure that the trait controller can find the workload associated with the component containing the trait within the original ApplicationConfiguration. |
(Appears on:IngressTrait)
IngressTraitStatus specifies the observed state of an ingress trait and related resources.
Field | Description |
ConditionedStatus OAM common/v1.ConditionedStatus |
(Members of Reconcile status of this ingress trait. |
resources []OAM common/v1.TypedReference |
The resources managed by this ingress trait. |
(Appears on:LoggingTrait)
LoggingTraitSpec specifies the desired state of a logging trait.
Field | Description |
imagePullPolicy string |
The optional image pull policy for the Fluentd image provided by the user. |
loggingConfig string |
The configuration provided by the user for the Fluentd configuration that consists of
fluentd.conf: |
loggingImage string |
The name of the custom Fluentd image. |
workloadRef OAM common/v1.TypedReference |
The WorkloadReference of the workload to which this trait applies. This value is populated by the OAM runtime when an ApplicationConfiguration resource is processed. When the ApplicationConfiguration is processed, a trait and a workload resource are created from the content of the ApplicationConfiguration. The WorkloadReference is provided in the trait by OAM to ensure that the trait controller can find the workload associated with the component containing the trait within the original ApplicationConfiguration. |
(Appears on:LoggingTrait)
LoggingTraitStatus specifies the observed state of a logging trait and related resources.
Field | Description |
ConditionedStatus OAM common/v1.ConditionedStatus |
(Members of Reconcile status of this logging trait. |
resources []OAM common/v1.TypedReference |
The resources managed by this logging trait. |
(Appears on:MetricsTrait)
MetricsTraitSpec specifies the desired state of a metrics trait.
Field | Description |
enabled bool |
Specifies whether metrics collection is enabled. Defaults to |
path string |
The HTTP path for the related metrics endpoint. Defaults to |
port int |
The HTTP port for the related metrics trait. Defaults to |
ports []PortSpec |
The HTTP endpoints for the related metrics. |
scraper string |
The Prometheus deployment used to scrape the related metrics endpoints. By default, the Verrazzano-supplied Prometheus component is used to scrape the endpoint. |
secret string |
The name of an opaque secret (for example, |
workloadRef OAM common/v1.TypedReference |
The WorkloadReference of the workload to which this trait applies. This value is populated by the OAM runtime when an ApplicationConfiguration resource is processed. When the ApplicationConfiguration is processed, a trait and a workload resource are created from the content of the ApplicationConfiguration. The WorkloadReference is provided in the trait by OAM to ensure that the trait controller can find the workload associated with the component containing the trait within the original ApplicationConfiguration. |
(Appears on:MetricsTrait)
MetricsTraitStatus defines the observed state of a metrics trait and related resources.
Field | Description |
ConditionedStatus OAM common/v1.ConditionedStatus |
(Members of Reconcile status of this metrics trait. |
resources []QualifiedResourceRelation |
Related resources affected by this metrics trait. |
(Appears on:MetricsTraitSpec)
PortSpec defines an HTTP port and path combination.
Field | Description |
path string |
The HTTP path for the related metrics endpoint. Defaults to |
port int |
The HTTP port for the related metrics trait. Defaults to |
(Appears on:MetricsTraitStatus, VerrazzanoHelidonWorkloadStatus)
QualifiedResourceRelation identifies a specific related resource.
Field | Description |
apiversion string |
API version of the related resource. |
kind string |
Kind of the related resource. |
name string |
Name of the related resource. |
namespace string |
Namespace of the related resource. |
role string |
Role of the related resource, for example, |
(Appears on:VerrazzanoHelidonWorkloadSpec)
ServiceTemplate specifies the metadata and pod spec of a Helidon workload.
Field | Description |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Metadata about a Helidon application. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of themetadata field.
serviceSpec Kubernetes core/v1.ServiceSpec |
The service spec of a Helidon application. |
(Appears on:VerrazzanoCoherenceWorkload)
VerrazzanoCoherenceWorkloadSpec wraps a Coherence resource.
Field | Description |
template Kubernetes runtime.RawExtension |
The metadata and spec for the underlying Coherence resource. |
(Appears on:VerrazzanoCoherenceWorkload)
VerrazzanoCoherenceWorkloadStatus defines the observed state of a Verrazzano Coherence workload.
Field | Description |
lastGeneration string |
The last generation of the Verrazzano Coherence workload that was reconciled. |
lastRestartVersion string |
The last value of the |
(Appears on:VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload)
VerrazzanoHelidonWorkloadSpec wraps a Helidon application deployment and service.
Field | Description |
deploymentTemplate DeploymentTemplate |
An embedded Helidon application deployment. |
serviceTemplate ServiceTemplate |
An embedded Helidon application service. |
(Appears on:VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload)
VerrazzanoHelidonWorkloadStatus defines the observed state of Verrazzano Helidon workload.
Field | Description |
ConditionedStatus OAM common/v1.ConditionedStatus |
(Members of Reconcile status of this Verrazzano Helidon workload. |
resources []QualifiedResourceRelation |
The resources managed by this Verrazzano Helidon workload. |
(Appears on:VerrazzanoWebLogicWorkload)
VerrazzanoWebLogicWorkloadSpec wraps a WebLogic resource. The WebLogic domain specified in the template must contain a spec field and it may include a metadata field.
Field | Description |
template VerrazzanoWebLogicWorkloadTemplate |
The metadata and spec for the underlying Domain resource. |
clusters []VerrazzanoWebLogicWorkloadTemplate |
(Appears on:VerrazzanoWebLogicWorkload)
VerrazzanoWebLogicWorkloadStatus defines the observed state of a Verrazzano WebLogic workload.
Field | Description |
lastGeneration string |
The last generation of the Verrazzano WebLogic workload that was reconciled. |
lastRestartVersion string |
The last value of the |
lastLifecycleAction string |
The last value of the |
(Appears on:VerrazzanoWebLogicWorkloadSpec)
Field | Description | ||||
apiVersion string |
metadata Kubernetes runtime.RawExtension |
spec Kubernetes runtime.RawExtension |
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