Manage Integrations with Orchestrated System

Using Orchestrated System of Oracle Access Governance, you can perform integrations with other systems by adding an orchestrated system, modify the connection settings, validate and load the data in Oracle Access Governance.

Add an Orchestrated System

You can integrate various systems, such as database, directory, applications, and cloud provider. The first step to integrate with the system of your choice is to add an Orchestrated system.

To add an Orchestrated system:

  1. In the Oracle Access Governance Console, from the navigation menu, select Service Administration → Orchestrated Systems
  2. Select Add an orchestrated system to add a new Orchestrated system, or select an existing orchestrated system from the list to manage existing orchestrated systems.


The integration details depend on the type of Orchestrated system. Refer to the Supported Integrations in Oracle Access Governance article for the appropriate documentation for the required Orchestrated system.

Manage an Orchestrated System

The Orchestrated Systems page of the Oracle Access Governance Console allows you to easily manage your orchestrated systems. You can view a list of the Orchestrated Systems configured in your service instance, including name, type, configuration mode, and status . You can also initiate a data load, update configuration settings, and enable/disable individual orchestrated systems.

To manage your orchestrated systems, navigate to the Orchestrated Systems page of the Oracle Access Governance Console, by following these steps:
  1. From the Oracle Access Governance navigation menu icon Navigation menu, select Service Administration → Orchestrated Systems.
  2. On the Orchestrated Systems page, you are able to view the orchestrated systems that you have configured in your Oracle Access Governance instance. The list of orchestrated systems displays the following details:
    • Name: The name of the orchestrated system.
    • Type: The type of orchestrated system, for example, Flat File, Database User Management (Oracle), or Microsoft Active Directory. A complete list of orchestrated system types supported by Oracle Access Governance can be found in Supported Systems.
    • Configuration mode: The configuration mode that the orchestrated system is setup with.
    • Last updated: Last date the orchestrated system configuration was updated.
    • Upcoming data load: Date and time of any upcoming scheduled data load.
    • Status: Current status of the orchestrated system. Values include:
      • Active
      • Disabled
      • Waiting for initial connection

Once you have reviewed the orchestrated systems in your Oracle Access Governance instance, you can select a specific orchestrated system and drill down into further information or update various configuration elements.

Select one of the following to view configuration of a specific orchestrated system:
  • The orchestrated system link in the Name column.
  • Manage connection from the navigate navigation menu.
This displays the configuration page for the selected orchestrated system.

Manage Orchestrated System Resources

You can determine which resources are ingested from governance orchestrated systems, allowing full control of the source used to load data into Oracle Access Governance. This functionality is specific to Oracle Identity Governance.

To manage resources:

  1. In the Oracle Access Governance console, access the navigation menu by selecting the Navigation Menu icon. Select Service Administration → Orchestrated Systems.
  2. In the Orchestrated Systems page, click on the Menu icon for the governance orchestrated system you want to update, and select Manage resources from the drop-down list.
  3. On the Resources page, you can see a list of Connected resources and Disconnected resources.
  4. To disable a connected resource:
    1. Select the Disconnect icon, Disconnect, for the resource you want to disable.
    2. A confirmation dialog displays, asking you if you are sure you want to disconnect the resource from the governance orchestrated system.


      All information related to the resource will be removed, and you cannot reconnect the resource once it is disconnected.
    3. If you want to remove the resource, click Disconnect. If not, select No, keep connected.
    4. If the resource is disconnected, it will now display in the Disconnected resources section.

Initiate Data Load

You can initiate data load from orchestrated systems on-demand, using the Oracle Access Governance Console.

To initiate a data load from an orchestrated system, perform the following tasks.

  1. From the Oracle Access Governance navigation menu icon Navigation menu, select Service Administration → Orchestrated Systems.
  2. Select one of the following to view the configuration of a specific orchestrated system:
    • The orchestrated system link in the Name column.
    • Manage integration from the navigate navigation menu.
    This displays the configuration page for the selected orchestrated system.
  3. Select the Load data now button which will initiate a data load. You can track the status in the Activity Log.

View Activity Log

The activity log allows you to monitor the status of your orchestrated system.

To view the activity log:

  1. From the Oracle Access Governance navigation menu icon Navigation menu, select Service Administration → Orchestrated Systems.
  2. Select one of the following to view the configuration of a specific orchestrated system:
    • The orchestrated system link in the Name column.
    • Manage connection from the navigate navigation menu.
    This displays the configuration page for the selected orchestrated system, which includes the activity log.
The activity log includes information on activities including the following:
  • Data load: Initiates when the data is either run on-demand by the Administrator, or when data is auto-synced as per the system settings. Currently, the data automatically refreshes after 24 hours from the previous data load activity.
  • Full data load: Initiates when the data is synced for the first time after the new integration is established.
  • Validate: Initiates when a new integration is established or when you update the connection settings.
  • Revoke: Initiates when an access reviewer revokes one or more user privileges in the access review tasks. This activity occurs to support closed-loop access remediation.
  • Schema discovery: Initiates when a new integration is established, or when you select the Fetch attributes button in the Identity Attributes page.
  • Provisioning: Create Account, Update Account, Add Child Data, Remove Child Data.

Disable an Orchestrated System

You can disable an orchestrated system to cease operations between Oracle Access Governance and the orchestrated system.

To disable an orchestrated system, perform the following tasks.

  1. From the Oracle Access Governance navigation menu icon Navigation menu, select Service Administration → Orchestrated Systems.
  2. Select one of the following to view the configuration of a specific orchestrated system:
    • The orchestrated system link in the Name column.
    • Manage connection from the navigate navigation menu.
    This displays the configuration page for the selected orchestrated system.
  3. Select the Disable button which will disable the selected orchestrated system.