Exploring Identity Orchestration Components
Identity Orchestration components serve as the building blocks that unify diverse systems and effectively manage the identity lifecycle for your enterprise. These include Oracle Access Governance agent for indirect integrations, inbound and outbound data transformation rules for ensuring data coherence, correlation rules to build composite profiles, and Orchestrated System Resources to effectively manage resources and control sources used to load the data.
Access Governance Agent
The Oracle Access Governance agent is a downloadable docker image, which allows Oracle Access Governance to synchronize continuously or periodically with Authoritative Sources or Managed Systems where a direct connection is not available.
The agent runs scheduled distributed extract-transform-load (ETL) jobs to perform full or incremental synchronization of remote identity data, such as users, roles, application instances, entitlements, and entitlement assignments, to Oracle Access Governance. Once registered and installed, the agent can be monitored via the Oracle Access Governance Console. The agent runs in a docker environment located in your local (customer) environment. This environment should meet the following prerequisites:
- Installation of Docker or Podman
- Allow connection to the customer's target identity database
- Allow connection to the customer's Oracle Access Governance instance hosted in Oracle Cloud. If required, this connection can be made through a web proxy.
The agent extracts data, picked up by the Oracle Access Governance ingestion service, and is loaded into Oracle Access Governance for consumption.
Fulfillment requests (provisioning of accounts or closed-loop access remediation) are passed on to Managed systems. For example, on completion of access review campaigns, any permissions that have been revoked in Oracle Access Governance will be remediated by raising a revoke operation in the Orchestrated system. This revoke request will be passed to the Managed system via the agent.
Agents are applicable only in cases where a direct connection cannot be established with Oracle Access Governance. Typically, you will need an agent when integrating with the on-premises systems. The Oracle Access Governance agent acts as an arbitrator supporting the synchronization of Authoritative Sources or Managed Systems and Oracle Access Governance.Data Transformations
Different systems represent data differently. Oracle Access Governance allows you to manipulate and transform incoming identity and account data from Authoritative Source or Managed Systems, or outgoing data being provisioned to Managed Systems. You can modify data values to meet your requirements, such as including derived values or ensuring consistent formatting. This ensures data coherence and system unification.
- Enhance incoming identity attributes being ingested from an Authoritative Source into Oracle Access Governance using inbound transformation rules. For example, you can set the username to uppercase, or concatenate the family name with the name to create a display name.
- Enhance incoming account attributes being ingested from Managed Systems into Oracle Access Governance using inbound transformation rules. For example, you can concatenate username with default domain to set the primary email within Oracle Access Governance.
- Customize composite identity attributes built up in Oracle Access Governance so that you can match incoming attributes. For example, Database User Management applications store username in a specific format and, as it contains only account data, you would need to customize the composite identity attributes in Oracle Access Governance so that incoming DBUM username matches with identity attributes available in Oracle Access Governance.
- Define account attributes by enhancing identity attributes for account provisioning by Oracle Access Governance into Managed Systems. For example, setting jobDescription to some fixed value, in case you have a null value.
Transformation Types and its Workflow
Let's see the types of transformations available in Oracle Access Governance and its workflow:
- You first integrate an Authoritative Source with Oracle Access Governance by adding an Orchestrated system. Here, you can execute inbound transformations on the source identity attributes data during the data ingestion process. For example, you may integrate Oracle HCM as an Authoritative Source and apply inbound transformations to create a display name from the full name. These transformations are unique and specific to each Orchestrated system.
- Once you integrate Authoritative source systems, internally, a composite identity profile is constructed that contains Core and Custom attributes within Oracle Access Governance. This composite identity profile can contain identity attributes from various Authoritative sources that you have integrated. For example, identity in Oracle Access Governance can contain attributes jobCode ingested from Oracle HCM and department ingested from Flat File. In the scenario where the same attribute is available in more than one Authoritative source, you have the option to select and change the Orchestrated system from which you want to bring this attribute value. Refer to Manage Identity Attributes for more details. This composite identity profile acts as a source of truth for Oracle Access Governance to perform various governance and provisioning operations.
- Next, you integrate Managed Systems to load account attributes. These account attributes are matched against composite identity attributes available within Oracle Access Governance.
- For outbound provisioning, you manipulate the composite identity attributes available in Oracle Access Governance for accurate account provisioning into Managed Systems.
Inbound Data Transformation
Inbound data transformations allow you to control how attribute values are transformed when they are received from an orchestrated system into Oracle Access Governance. When you load data from an Orchestrated system, identity and account attributes will be imported into Oracle Access Governance. During the data load or data ingestion process, it is possible to apply data transformations to the attributes.
An example use case might include some of the following:
- Populate the primaryEmail identity attribute in Oracle Access Governance by concatenating FirstName, ., LastName, @mydomain.com. This is how you achieve this in Oracle Access Governance.
- Set the value of an attribute to another value if the value coming from the orchestrated system is null. An example might be if the organization is null then set the value in Oracle Access Governance to a fixed value.
user.getOrganization() != null && user.getOrganization().getDisplayName() != null ? user.getOrganization().getDisplayName() : 'Oracle Access Governance'
Outbound Data Transformation
Identity Orchestration includes the ability to provision accounts using the Request Access (self service), Request Access (for others), or policy based access functionality. As part of this process, it is possible to apply data transformations to the data provisioned into the Managed system account. When provisioning operations such as Change Password or Create Account are triggered in Oracle Access Governance, data transformation rules can be invoked which derive values from the identity data and transform the data using strings and other manipulations, so that provisioning of accounts is done against correct identities into Managed system.
- Populate the workEmail attribute in the provisioned Managed system with the identity primaryEmail attribute value.
- Create a value for the displayName attribute in the provisioned Managed system by concatenating the identity title, userName, and employeeNumber.
- Set the value of an attribute to another value if the identity input value is null. An example might be if organization is null then set the value to a fixed value in the provisioned Managed system account.
Identity Attributes: Customizing Composite Oracle Access Governance Identity Profile by Applying Transformation Rules
When you load identity attributes from various Authoritative Sources, a composite identity profile is built in Oracle Access Governance, containing identity attributes from various sources. When you load account attributes from Managed Systems, the values available in this composite identity profile are matched with account attributes (Identity Account Matching). In special circumstances, you may have to apply additional transformation rules on this composite identity profile so that it can match the incoming data from various systems. Typically, you require this type of transformation to customize an identity attribute within Oracle Access Governance so that it matches the account attributes incoming from Managed Systems.
Inbound Transformations are specific to Orchestrated System and Identity Attribute Customization is applied on the composite identity profile built in Oracle Access Governance. For example, if you have applied inbound transformation on JobCode ingested from Oracle HCM but you have selected Flat File as the source for this attribute in the Manage Identities page, then this transformation won't have any impact on the value available in Oracle Access Governance.Scenario
For example, your Database User Management (DBUM) may store an attribute, such as a username in a very specific format, different from the username available in the composite identity profile within Oracle Access Governance. To match a DBUM account with the identity that exists in Oracle Access Governance, you need to customize the Identity Attribute by applying transformation rules. As DBUM is a Managed System account, you cannot manipulate identity data by applying inbound transformation rules. That's where you need to customize composite Identity Attributes. For example, when you connect MySQL DBUM, Oracle Access Governance adds an internal identity attribute userNameMysql, with the applicable transformation rules. Then you can match username incoming from My SQL DBUM with userNameMysql identity attribute. The same rule is applied on the outbound transformation side so that the provisioning of accounts is done accurately.
Authoritative Source | Composite Identity Attribute | Managed System |
The Identity attribute username has a different value than Account Attribute userLogin and we cannot match these attributes. The composite identity attributes transformation will transform John.Doe@o.com to John_Doe@o.com and store in the userNameMysql created within Oracle Access Governance. Once that is done, the incoming value, John_Doe@o.com, will match.
As a best practice, we recommend using inbound transformations to transform an identity attribute and limit the use of applying transformation rules on the composite identity profile. It may interfere with the provisioning of accounts.Matching Rules
Oracle Access Governance leverages correlation, or matching, rules to match the identity data ingested from different Authoritative sources, and thus build a composite identity profile. Similarly, during data ingestion from Managed Systems, multiple accounts may exist for an identity. In this case, account data needs to be ingested and matched to the respective identities. Account matching rules can be leveraged to associate user accounts ingested from downstream applications with identities in Oracle Access Governance. In case, you have a system that acts both as Authoritative Source and Managed System within Oracle Access Governance , then you can implement identity matching and account matching for the same system.
You can easily build these correlation rules in Oracle Access Governance using identity and account attributes. If an account cannot be automatically matched to an identity, Oracle Access Governance creates a micro-certification for this unmatched account, so that it can be manually matched with the identity or remediated from the Managed System.
Types of Matching Rules
When data is received from an Orchestrated system, Oracle Access Governance, checks to see if the data matches data already onboarded as an identity or account. Oracle Access Governance supports the following matching types:
- Identity matching: This match checks if an incoming identity matches an existing identity or is new to Oracle Access Governance. If it is a match, then the incoming data is correlated with the existing identity. If there is no match, then the data is used to create a new identity in Oracle Access Governance.
- Account matching: This match checks if an incoming account matches with an existing identity. If there is a match the account information is correlated with the matching identity. If no match is found, then the account is flagged as unmatched.
- Manually matched accounts: If you have manually matched an unmatched account, then you will see those manually matched accounts under these.
Orchestrated System Resources
You can determine which resources you want to ingest from systems allowing full control of the source used to load data into Oracle Access Governance. You can manage which resources are populated from orchestrated systems. This functionality is very specific to Oracle Identity Governance.
A typical use case might be where you have identity data managed by Oracle Identity Governance (OIG), and you want governance in a hybrid fashion till the time you migrate completely to the cloud environment. By default, all resources ingested from the Authoritative Source and Managed System will be available to Oracle Access Governance. As you add direct connections between Oracle Access Governance and systems, you can remove these from your primary governance system to avoid duplication of data.
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