Building Custom Patches

You can now use the files you have uploaded to create custom patches which can be applied to your environments.

Patch File Naming Format

To be deployed using the standard Oracle Enterprise Manager patching process, the patch file is generated using the following naming convention:



<numeric_value> is an automatically generated number,

<cust_short_name> is the short name for your organization in the Packager repository,

<ebs_version> is the Oracle E-Business Suite release number,

cmli indicates that this is a CEMLI patch, to differentiate it from standard Oracle patches.

For example, this CEMLI patch name uses the standard format:


10000001418 is the automatically generated number,

Oracle is a short name for the organization,

11i is the Oracle E-Business Suite release number,

cmli indicates that this is a CEMLI patch.

To build a custom patch:

  1. On the CEMLI home page, verify that your customer details are displayed.

  2. Click Packager.

    The Upload Customized Files tab is displayed by default.

  3. Click Build/Download Patches.

  4. Enter the following patch information:

    • Patch Name: Enter a name for the patch, without spaces or special characters. This name must be different from the automatically generated name above.

    • Patch Description: Optionally provide a free-text description for the custom patch. You can use this field to identify the business functions and include other information that will help users understand the scope of the patch.

  5. From the Available Files area, select the files that you want to use to build your patch.

    Each record in the Available Files area shows the following information:

    • Archived: Specifies whether the file to be included in the patch is archived or not.

    • Name: Specifies the name of the file to be included in the patch.

    • Description: Provides a free-text description of the file to be included in the patch.

    • Product: Specifies the short name of the custom application the file is associated with.

    • Object Type: Specifies the supported Oracle E-Business Suite object type. For more information on the object types supported in Oracle Automated CEMLI Execution, see CEMLI File Object Types.

    • Parameters: If the selected file is an XML Publisher or other object type that requires additional parameters, this field shows the parameters indicated in the Enter File Parameters dialog box.

    • Version: Specifies the file version, in numeric form, as identified in the header. For example, 123.1.3.

    • Language: Specifies the language associated with the file to be included in the patch.

    • Uploaded By: Specifies the email address of the user who uploaded the file.

    • Uploaded On: Specifies the date when the file was uploaded.

    To search for a particular file to include in the patch, continue to step 6 6 . Otherwise, continue to step 8 8.

  6. To search for a particular file in the list of available files, select one of the search criteria from the list, and enter the search string in the field. Available search criteria include:

    • Name

    • Description

    • Product

    • Object Type

    • Parameters

    • Version

    • Language

    • Uploaded By

    • Uploaded On

  7. Click Search.

  8. Select the files you want to include in the patch, then use the green arrows to move these files from the Available Files area to the Selected Files area. You can also use the drag-and-drop functionality to this effect.

    Each record in the Selected Files area shows the following information:

    • Archived: Specifies whether the file to be included in the patch is archived or not.

    • Name: Specifies the name of the file to be included in the patch.

    • Description: Provides a free-text description of the file to be included in the patch.

    • Product: Specifies the short name of the custom application the file is associated with.

    • Object Type: Specifies the supported Oracle E-Business Suite object type. For more information on the object types supported in Oracle Automated CEMLI Execution, see CEMLI File Object Types.

    • Parameters: If the selected file is an XML Publisher or other object type that requires additional parameters, this field shows the parameters indicated in the Enter File Parameters dialog box.

    • Version: Specifies the version of the file to be included in the patch.

    • Language: Specifies the language associated with the file to be included in the patch.

    • Phase: Specifies the phase in the AdPatch/adop patch where the file will be processed. This field is automatically populated when the user selects an object type. For more information on the phase ... Oracle Automated CEMLI Execution, see CEMLI File Object Types.

    • Sequence: Specifies the sequence of execution of the file within the AdPatch/adop patch. You can enter a positive numeric value between 10 and 99, while keeping in mind that lower numbers are executed first. This field defaults to null. For more information on the default sequence for the various supported object types, see CEMLI File Object Types.

  9. Once you have verified that all the required files are listed in the Selected Files area, click Build to start building the custom patch.

    The Building Patch page opens, displaying the standard readme file that will be included with the custom patch.

  10. To generate JAR file using adcgnjar utility, after creating the class file (12.2), select the Generate JAR check box.
  11. Change the readme file to include any other information that is relevant for users.

  12. Click Build Patch. The Build Patch page is refreshed, showing that the patch is being built. The build process analyzes each file, and includes it in the correct order in the patch. This process may take some time, depending on the number of files included.

    When the patch build process is complete, a message is displayed on the Building Patch page. The custom patch is copied automatically to the middle tiers hosting Oracle E-Business Suite environments.

  13. Click Close.

    The Packager home page opens, with the custom patch listed in the Existing Patches List area.

    Each record in the Existing Patches List area shows the following information:

    • Name: Specifies the name of the patch.

    • Description: Provides a free-text description for the custom patch.

    • Patch File: Specifies the name of the file included in the patch.

    • Created By: Specifies the email address of the user building the patch.

    • Created On: Specifies the date when the patch was built.

You can deploy custom patches by creating and scheduling an RFC through Oracle Automated CEMLI Execution, as explained in Scheduling Custom Patches for Deployment. You can then select the patch(es) to be deployed from the list displayed when creating the RFC.