Working with CEMLI Files

This section describes the actions that you can take on CEMLI files using Oracle Automated CEMLI Execution:

Uploading CEMLI Files

This section describes how to add your CEMLI files to Packager using the supported file formats and object types for your customized files, and upload them to the Oracle Automated CEMLI Execution repository. It also describes how to upload multiple CEMLI files using the standard method or in a .zip file.

You can add CEMLI files to Packager using either of the following approaches:

Before Uploading CEMLI Files

This section covers some considerations before uploading CEMLI files.

File Format and Object Type Considerations

All CEMLI files that you upload must use the Oracle standard file format and assign the correct object type to each file during upload. Supported object types are listed in CEMLI File Object Types.

The object type determines other requirements, also configured when you upload the CEMLI file to Oracle Automated CEMLI Execution, as shown in the following list:

For example:

  • No File Header Required: Several file types do not require a file header. Packager reads the Oracle E-Business Suite release number from the file header or, where the file contains no header, Packager prompts you to enter the release number. See the Object Types That Do Not Require a Header section in CEMLI File Object Types.

  • NLS Languages Supported: Some file types have NLS support, ensuring that different language versions of the same CEMLI file are supported. See the Object Types That Support NLS Languages section in CEMLI File Object Types. You can upload multiple versions of the same CEMLI file, tracked by the version number in the file header. Use the Description field to make it easier to identify the proper file when multiple rows are displayed for the same file. Different patches can include different versions of the same file. However, a single patch cannot contain multiple versions of the same file.

  • Invalid Parameters: Where file types require any mandatory parameters to be specified, Packager prompts you to enter the parameters specific to the selected file type. For example, where the selected file type requires a deployment path, Packager prompts you to enter the deployment path before you upload the file. See the Object Types That Use Parameters section in CEMLI File Object Types.

Additionally, if the Allow Auto Header check box is not selected in your Packager customer preferences, file headers are not inserted into CEMLI files. Before upload, you must insert headers into all CEMLI files that require them, ensuring that headers use the correct format, as described in CEMLI File Header Format.

If you have not created your CEMLI files, configure this setting as explained in Setting Packager Customer Preferences. Otherwise, add headers manually, using the format described in CEMLI File Header Format.

Uploading Multiple CEMLI Files Manually

This section describes how to add multiple CEMLI files to Packager from the local drive, and configure the object types and other properties manually.

To upload CEMLI files manually:

  1. On the CEMLI home page, verify that your customer details are displayed.

  2. Click Packager.

    The Upload Customized Files tab is displayed by default.

  3. In the Actions list, click Choose Product.

    The Select Product dialog box opens.

  4. Select the custom application you want to associate the uploaded files with.

  5. Click Close.

    The Product Name, Description and Created By fields are populated with the corresponding information.

  6. In the Upload Customized Files area, click Add.

    The Choose Files dialog box opens.

  7. Select one or more files that you want to upload, then click Open.


    To select multiple files, hold the Ctrl key, and click each file to be added.

  8. Click Ok.

    The Upload Customized Files page is refreshed, listing all the selected files in the Upload Customized Files area.

    Each record in the Upload Customized Files area shows the following information:

    • Name: Specifies the name of the file to be uploaded.

    • Description: Provides a free-text description of the file to be uploaded.

    • Size (bytes): Specifies the size of the uploaded file, in bytes.

    • Product: Specifies the short name of the custom application the file is associated with.

    • Object Type: Specifies the supported Oracle E-Business Suite object type. For more information on the object types supported in Oracle Automated CEMLI Execution, see CEMLI File Object Types.

    • Version: Specifies the file version, in numeric form, as identified in the header. For example, 123.1.3.

    • Language: Specifies the language associated with the file to be included in the patch.

    • Parameter: Allows you to enter values for the parameters specific to the selected object type. For more information on the object types supported in Oracle Automated CEMLI Execution, see CEMLI File Object Types.

  9. From the Object Type list, select the object type associated with your file.

  10. In the Parameter field, click Parameters.

    The Enter File Parameters window opens, showing the following information for each available parameter:

    • Name: Specifies the name of the variable, as defined in the patch driver.

    • Value: Specifies the value of the variable.

    • Required: Specifies whether the parameter is mandatory or not.

  11. In the Value field, enter values for the parameters specific to the selected object type.


    Mandatory parameters are marked with Y in the Required field.

  12. Click Save to go back to the Upload Customized Files area.

    To add more files, follow steps 6 to 11.

    To remove unnecessary files, go to step 13.

    To upload the files currently in the Upload Customized Files area, go to step 14.

  13. Remove any unnecessary files by selecting the file and clicking Clear, or remove all files by clicking Clear All.

  14. Click Upload.

    The Uploading Customized Files dialog box opens, showing the following information:

    • Name: Specifies the name of the file to be uploaded.

    • Status: Specifies the result of the file upload process.

  15. Click Start Upload.

    The files are uploaded in parallel, with progress tracked for each. Check that the status for each file upload is complete.


    If the header information is incorrect or missing, the file upload will fail.

  16. Click Close.

    The Upload Customized Files page opens. Following a successful upload, all uploaded files are listed in the Currently Uploaded Files area, with the version information collected from the respective file headers.

    Each record in the Currently Uploaded Files area shows the following information:

    • Archived: Specifies whether the uploaded file is archived or not.

    • Name: Specifies the name of the uploaded file.

    • Description: Optionally, add a description for each file. You can also use this field to identify different versions of the same file, such as different language versions.

    • Product: Specifies the short name of the custom application the file is associated with.

    • Object Type: In the Object Type column, verify that the default object type listed is correct. If necessary, select the correct object type for each file. For more information, see Before Uploading CEMLI Files.

    • Parameters: Specifies the values for the parameters specific to the selected object type.

    • Version: Version information is detected automatically in the file header. Header information is mandatory for most objects. For more information, see Before Uploading CEMLI Files. For files with object types that do not require a header, you will be prompted to enter a value in the Version field.

    • Language: If NLS language support has been implemented, select the relevant language from the list. See Before Uploading CEMLI Files to understand which object types support language-specific files.

    • Uploaded By: Specifies the email address of the user who uploaded the file.

    • Uploaded On: Specifies the date when the file was uploaded.

Uploading CEMLI Files as a .zip File with Manifest

This section describes how to add the .zip file containing your CEMLI files to Packager, and upload this .zip file with manifest to the Oracle Automated CEMLI Execution repository.

To create the CEMLI files .zip file:

  1. Create the directory structure on your local machine. For example:

  2. At the top level directory, zip all files. For example, zip the files in step 1 Uploading CEMLI Files as a .zip File with Manifest at the /applmgr/CEMLI/modules/files directory, producing

  3. Create the manifest file manually using a standard text editor. You will need to copy the file contents into the native Packager manifest editor.

    When creating the manifest file, include the file name, the module, the description, the file type, the deployment path (if required), and the language.

    The manifest file name follows the relative path from the top level directory beneath the files directory.

    For example, for XBOATTRS.fmb, the file name is /forms/US/XBOATTRS.fmb.

    This sample manifest file shows the typical format:

    /forms/US/AKDATTRS.fmb,sxbo,US_AKDATTRS form,fmb,null,US
    /reports/US/ABMACTD.rdf,sxbo,US_ABMACTF report,rdf,null,US
    /sql/getPONumber.sql,sxbo,PO number access sql,pkb,null, US
    /sql/vendor_supplier_MAT.sql,sxbo,vendor supplier relation,pkb,null,US


    Alternatively, you can paste the manifest directly into Packager using the Manifest tab. You can also modify the manifest on the Manifest or Editor tabs. See Uploading Multiple CEMLI Files Manually.

To upload CEMLI files in a .zip file:

  1. On the CEMLI home page, verify that your customer details are displayed.

  2. Click Packager.

    The Upload Customized Files tab is displayed by default.

  3. In the Actions list, click Choose Product.

    The Select Product dialog box opens.

  4. Select the custom application you want to associate the uploaded files with.

  5. Click Close.

    The Product Name, Description and Created By fields are populated with the corresponding information.

  6. In the Upload Customized Files area, click Zip File Upload.

    The Upload Archive of Customized Files dialog box opens.

  7. Click Choose File.

    The Open dialog box opens.

  8. Select one or more files that you want to upload, then click Open.

    The Upload Archive of Customized Files page is refreshed, showing the .zip file. The Define archive manifest field is populated with details of the .zip file contents.

  9. On the Manifest tab, paste the .zip file manifest, created in step 3 Uploading CEMLI Files as a .zip File with Manifest. This comma-separated list must contain a matching line for each CEMLI file included in the .zip file.

  10. Click the Editor tab to view the manifest converted to the standard fields used in the Currently Uploaded Files area.

  11. (Optional) Modify the manifest in either the Manifest or Editor tab.

  12. Click Start Upload.

    The page is refreshed, listing all the selected files in the Currently Uploaded Files area.


    To select multiple files, hold the Ctrl key, and click each file to be added.

    Each record in the Currently Uploaded Files area shows the following information:

    • Archived: Specifies whether the uploaded file is archived or not.

    • Name: Specifies the name of the file to be uploaded.

    • Description: Provides a free-text description of the file to be uploaded.

    • Product: Specifies the short name of the custom application the file is associated with.

    • Object Type: Specifies the supported Oracle E-Business Suite object type. For more information on the object types supported in Oracle Automated CEMLI Execution, see CEMLI File Object Types.

    • Parameters: Provides values for the parameters specific to the selected object type. For more information on the object types supported in Oracle Automated CEMLI Execution, see CEMLI File Object Types.

    • Version: Specifies the file version, in numeric form, as identified in the header. For example, 123.1.3.

    • Language: Specifies the language associated with the file to be included in the patch.

    • Uploaded By: Specifies the email address of the user who uploaded the file.

    • Uploaded On: Specifies the date when the file was uploaded.

Sorting CEMLI Files

This section describes how to sort the files that have been uploaded in the Oracle Automated CEMLI Execution repository.

To sort files:

  1. On the CEMLI home page, verify that your customer details are displayed.

  2. Click Packager.

    The Upload Customized Files tab is displayed by default.

  3. In the Actions list, click Choose Product.

    The Select Product dialog box opens.

  4. Select the custom application the files you want to sort are associated with.

  5. Click Close.

    The Product Name, Description and Created By fields are populated with the corresponding information.

  6. (Optional) If the files that you need to sort are archived, select the Display Archived Files check box in the upper part of the Currently Uploaded Files table to see all archived files.

  7. In the Currently Uploaded Files table, click any column name to sort the displayed files, as explained below:

    • Sort Ascending Button - the data is sorted in ascending order

    • Sort Descending Button - the data is sorted in descending order

Archiving CEMLI Files

This section describes how to archive files that have been uploaded in Oracle Automated CEMLI Execution. Archiving hides the files from view but the files still exist in the repository.


To include files that have been archived in the Currently Uploaded Files table, select the Display Archived Files check box.

To archive files:

  1. On the CEMLI home page, verify that your customer details are displayed.

  2. Click Packager.

    The Upload Customized Files tab is displayed by default.

  3. In the Actions list, click Choose Product.

    The Select Product dialog box opens.

  4. Select the custom application the files you want to archive are associated with.

  5. Click Close.

    The Product Name, Description and Created By fields are populated with the corresponding information.

  6. In the Currently Uploaded Files table, select one or more uploaded files.

  7. From the Actions list, select Archive selected files.

    The Currently Uploaded Files table refreshes, and the archived file is no longer displayed in the list. To see the archived file, select the Display Archived Files check box.

Restoring CEMLI Files

This section describes how to restore archived files to the view, so that they are displayed again in the Currently Uploaded Files table. Restored files are displayed even if the Display Archived Files check box is not selected.

To restore files:

  1. On the CEMLI home page, verify that your customer details are displayed.

  2. Click Packager.

    The Upload Customized Files tab is displayed by default.

  3. In the Actions list, click Choose Product.

    The Select Product dialog box opens.

  4. Select the custom application the files you want to restore are associated with.

  5. Click Close.

    The Product Name, Description and Created By fields are populated with the corresponding information.

  6. In the upper part of the Currently Uploaded Files table, select the Display Archived Files check box to see all archived files.

  7. Select the archived file(s) that you want to restore.

  8. From the Actions list, select Restore selected files.

    The Currently Uploaded Files table is refreshed, with the value in the Archived column set to N.

Downloading CEMLI Files

This section describes how to download files that have been uploaded in the Oracle Automated CEMLI Execution repository.

To download files:

  1. On the CEMLI home page, verify that your customer details are displayed.

  2. Click Packager.

    The Upload Customized Files tab is displayed by default.

  3. In the Actions list, click Choose Product.

    The Select Product dialog box opens.

  4. Select the custom application the files you want to archive are associated with.

  5. Click Close.

    The Product Name, Description and Created By fields are populated with the corresponding information.

  6. (Optional) If the files that you need to download are archived, select the Display Archived Files check box in the upper part of the Currently Uploaded Files table to see all archived files.

  7. In the Currently Uploaded Files table, select the file(s) that you want to download.

  8. From the Actions list, select Download selected files.

    The Save As dialog box opens.

  9. Navigate to the location where you want to save the file, then click Save.

    A zip file that consists of all the selected files is downloaded to the selected location.

Deleting CEMLI Files

This section describes how to delete files that have been uploaded in Oracle Automated CEMLI Execution. Deletion removes the files from the repository, rendering them unavailable for future use. You can use this option when you have accidentally uploaded a file with a wrong object type, or you need to change the object type after the upload.


Newer versions of files must have the same object type as the previous version. If you need to upload a newer version of a file with a different object type, delete the older version and reupload the file with the new object type.

To delete files:

  1. On the CEMLI home page, verify that your customer details are displayed.

  2. Click Packager.

    The Upload Customized Files tab is displayed by default.

  3. In the Actions list, click Choose Product.

    The Select Product dialog box opens.

  4. Select the custom application the files you want to archive are associated with.

  5. Click Close.

    The Product Name, Description and Created By fields are populated with the corresponding information.

  6. (Optional) If the files that you need to delete are archived, select the Display Archived Files check box in the upper part of the Currently Uploaded Files table to see all archived files.

  7. In the Currently Uploaded Files table, select the file(s) that you want to delete.

  8. From the Actions list, select Delete selected files.

    The Currently Uploaded Files table refreshes, and the archived file is no longer displayed in the list. To see the archived file, select the Display Archived Files check box.

Searching CEMLI Files

This section describes how to search files that have been uploaded in Oracle Automated CEMLI Execution.

To search files:

  1. On the CEMLI home page, verify that your customer details are displayed.

  2. Click Packager.

    The Upload Customized Files tab is displayed by default.

  3. In the Actions list, click Choose Product.

    The Select Product dialog box opens.

  4. Select the custom application the files you want to archive are associated with.

  5. Click Close.

    The Product Name, Description and Created By fields are populated with the corresponding information.

  6. (Optional) If the files that you are looking for are archived, select the Display Archived Files check box in the upper part of the Currently Uploaded Files table to see all archived files.

  7. Select one of the search criteria from the list in the upper right corner of the Currently Uploaded Files table:

    • Name

    • Description

    • Product

    • Object Type

    • Parameters

    • Version

    • Language

    • Uploaded By

    • Uploaded On

  8. Enter the search string in the search field.

  9. Click Search.

    The Currently Uploaded Files table is refreshed to show the results that match your search criteria.