Configure System Maintenance Properties

This topic describes how to configure the Publisher properties.

Set Server Caching Specifications

Administrator can configure caching at the server level so that when Publisher processes a report, the data and the report document are stored in cache.

Report designers can set a report property to configure report-specific caching of datasets.

  1. In the Server Configuration page, set the following properties:
    • Cache Expiration — Enter the expiration period for the cache in minutes. The default is 30.
    • Cache Size Limit — Enter the maximum number of cached items to maintain regardless of the size of these items. The default is 1000.
    • Maximum Cached Report Definitions — Enter the maximum number of report definitions to maintain in cache. The default is 50.
  2. To manually purge this cache, on the Manage Cache tab, click Clear Object Cache .

Set Retry Properties For Database Failover

Administrator can configure the number of retries to connect to a data source.

If Publisher fails to connect to a data source through the defined JDBC or JNDI connection, Publisher switches to the backup database.

The following properties control the number of retries that are attempted before switching to the backup connection for the database.

  • Number of Retries

    Default value is 6. Enter the number of times to attempt to make a connection before switching to the backup database.

  • Retry Interval (seconds)

    Default value is 10 seconds. Enter the number of seconds to wait before retrying the connection.

Understand the Scheduler

This topic describes the configuration and diagnostics of the scheduler.

About Scheduler Configuration

You can review the configuration of the scheduler in the System Maintenance page.

The compute size (OCPUs) you have selected for your service determines the report processing limits for generating pixel-perfect reports. You can't edit the settings in the Scheduler Configuration tab. See What Sizing Options Are Available to You?

Review Scheduler Diagnostics

The Scheduler diagnostics page provides the runtime status of the scheduler.

The Diagnostics page displays how many scheduled report requests have been received by the JMS queues, how many of them have failed and how many are still running. The JMS status can be viewed at the cluster-instance level enabling you to decide whether to add more instances to scale up by one or more of these JMS processors.

For example, if there're too many requests queued up for the e-mail processor in one instance, you can consider adding another instance and enabling it to handle e-mail processing. Similarly, if there're very large reports being processed and showing in the Report Process queue in running status, then you can add another instance to scale up the Report Process capability.

Also, the Scheduler Diagnostics page reflects the status of each component to show if any component is down. You can see the connection string or JNDI name to the database, which cluster instance associates to which managed server instance, Toplink connection pool configuration, and so on.

If an instance shows a failed status, then you can recover the instance and with the failover mechanism of the JMS set up in the cluster, no jobs submitted are lost. When the server instance is brought back, it is immediately available in the cluster for service. The instance removal and addition reflects dynamically on the diagnostic page.

When an instance is added to the cluster, the Scheduler Diagnostics page immediately recognizes the new instance and displays the status of the new instances and all the threads running on that instance. This provides a powerful monitoring capability to the administrator to trace and resolve issues in any instance or any component of the scheduler.

The Scheduler Diagnostics page provides information on the following components:

  • JMS

  • Cluster

  • Database

  • Scheduler Engine

The JMS section provides information on the following:

  • JMS Cluster Config: This section provides configuration information for JMS setup:

    • Provider type (Weblogic / ActiveMQ)

    • WebLogic version

    • WebLogic JNDI Factory

    • JNDI URL for JMS

    • Queue names

    • Temporary directory

  • JMS Runtime: This provides runtime status of all JMS queues and topics.

The Cluster section provides details on the cluster instance. Use this information to understand the load on each processor.

The Database section provides information on these components.

  • Database Config — Connection type, JNDI Name, or connection string

  • Toplink Config — Connection pooling, logging level

  • Database Schema

The Quartz section provides information on these components, as shown in the figure below.

  • Quartz Configuration

  • Quartz Initialization

Set Report Viewer Properties

On the System Maintenance page, the administrator can set the report viewer properties on the Report Viewer Configuration tab.

If Show Apply Button is set to True, reports with parameter options display the Apply button in the report viewer. If you change the parameter values, click Apply to render the report with the new values.

If Show Apply Button is set to False, the report viewer doesn't display the Apply button. If you enter a new parameter value, Publisher automatically renders the report after the new value is selected or entered.

You set this property at the report level to override the system setting.

Clear Report Objects from the Server Cache

Use the Manage Cache page to clear the server cache.

The server cache stores report definitions, report data, and report output documents. If you need to manually purge this cache (for example, after patching) use the Manage Cache page.

To clear the report objects from the server cache:

  1. From the Administration page, select Manage Cache.
  2. On the Manage Cache page, click Clear Object Cache.

Clear the Subject Area Metadata Cache

You can clear the subject area metadata cache.

BI subject area metadata such as the dimension and measure names are cached at the server to quickly open the report in report designer. You can manually clear this cache if the BI subject area is updated through a binary semantic model (.rpd) file.

To clear the subject area metadata cache:

  1. From the Administration page, select Manage Cache.
  2. On the Manage Cache page, in the Clearing Subject Area Metadata Cache section, click Clear Metadata Cache.

Purge Job Diagnostic Logs

You can purge old diagnostic logs to increase the available space on your system.

The retention period of job diagnostic logs is set to 30 days, by default. If you frequently enable diagnostic logs, these diagnostic logs might consume space in the database, and you might need to periodically free the space consumed by the old diagnostic logs. You can manually purge the job diagnostic logs older than the retention period .

To purge the job diagnostic logs:
  1. On the Administration page, under System Maintenance, select Manage Job Diagnostics Log.
  2. Click Purge log beyond retention period.

Purge Job History

Use the Manage Job Diagnostics Log page to purge old job history.

The retention period of a job history is set to 180 days, by default. You can manually purge the history of jobs that are older than the retention period. When you purge old job history, the saved output, saved XML, job delivery info, and the job status details of the old jobs are deleted.

To purge old job history:
  1. On the Administration page, under System Maintenance, select Manage Job Diagnostics Log.
  2. Click Purge scheduler metadata.

Upload and Manage Configuration-Specific Files

Use Upload Center to upload and manage the configuration-specific files for font, digital signature, ICC profile, SSH private key, SSL certificate, and JDBC client certificate.

To upload and manage the configuration-specific files:
  1. On the Administration page, under System Maintenance, select Upload Center.
  2. Click Browse and select the file you want to upload.
  3. Select the configuration file type.
  4. If you want to overwrite an existing file with the new file, select Overwrite.
  5. Click Upload.
  6. To manage the uploaded files, use the Filter By Type field to filter the files in the table.