Download the JDBC Driver

Obtain the JDBC driver JAR file (bijdbc-all.jar) from an Oracle Analytics Cloud Client Tools installation on a Windows machine.

If you haven't done so already, download and install Oracle Analytics Cloud Client Tools on a Windows machine. If you want to connect to Oracle Analytics Cloud from an iOS machine, you must copy the JDBC driver file from the Windows installation folder to your iOS machine.
  1. Download the latest Oracle Analytics Client Tools.
    1. Go to Download page for Oracle Analytics Client Tools.
    2. To start the download, click the Oracle Analytics Client Tools link that matches your Oracle Analytics Cloud environment.

      In most cases, this is the latest available update.

    3. Accept the Oracle license agreement if prompted, and then click the download link to download the software to your local machine.
  2. Install Oracle Analytics Client Tools on your local machine.
    1. Unzip the file that you downloaded to extract the installer file setup_bi_client-<update ID>-win64.exe file.
    2. Double-click the file setup_bi_client-<update ID>-win64.exe to start the installer.
    3. Follow the on-screen instructions.
  3. From the installation folder, copy the JDBC driver file <OH>/bi/bifoundation/jdbc/bijdbc-all.jar.

    To connect to Oracle Analytics Cloud from an iOS machine, copy the bijdbc-all.jar file to your iOS machine.