Build a Visualization by Adding Data

This topic describes how to add data to a visualization.

Create the Best Visualization For Selected Data Elements

When you select data elements in the Data Panel, Oracle Analytics can create the best visualization for you.

  1. On the Home page, hover over a workbook, click Actions Actions icon, then select Open.
  2. Select the data you want to visualize by selecting one or more data elements on the Data Panel , right-click, and then click Create Best Visualization.

Add Data to a Visualization

After you’ve selected the datasets for your workbook, you can begin to add data elements such as measures and attributes to visualizations.

If you haven't already created a visualization, you need to create one. See Begin to Build a Workbook and Create Visualizations.

You can select compatible data elements from the datasets and drop them onto the Grammar Panel in the Visualize canvas. Based on your selections, visualizations are created on the canvas. The Grammar Panel contains sections such as Columns, Rows, Values, and Category.

  1. On the Home page, hover over a workbook, click Actions Actions icon, then select Open.
  2. If you created a workbook, then add a dataset to it.
  3. Select the data you want to visualize by selecting one or more data elements on the Data Panel and then using one of the following methods:
Tips on adding data
  • To help you understand the components of a visualization, hover over it and click Show Assignments to annotate the visualization components, for example, the X-Axis and Y-Axis of a chart.

  • Use the Grammar Panel to configure visualization components (for example, add, remove, re-order).

  • If a dataset is augmented with knowledge enrichments, you'll see knowledge enrichments in the element tree displayed just like regular data elements in the dataset. In this example, the Oracle Analytics administrator has added Population and other city-related data to Oracle Analytics. When you create a workbook based on the CITY dataset, you can add population and other data elements directly to your visualization.

Create a Visualization from Another Visualization

You can create a visualization by dragging and dropping columns from one visualization to a new visualization.

Using this method helps you to model a new visualization based on an existing one by selecting columns directly from the existing visualization.

  1. On the Home page, hover over a workbook, click Actions Actions icon, then select Open.
  2. Click Edit to enter the workbook in author mode.
  3. Select the visualization you want to use as the source for creating a visualization.
  4. Click Grammar at the top of the Grammar Panel to display the Grammar pane.
  5. Drag and drop a column in the Grammar pane to the edge between visualizations to create a visualization on the canvas.
  6. Select the source visualization and drag and drop more columns to the new visualization.

Modify a Visualization's Tooltips

When you hover over a data point in a visualization, a tooltip displays and provides specific information about the data point. You can choose to see all tooltips or only the measures included in the Tooltip section of the Grammar Panel.

For example, if you create a simple bar chart visualization that shows revenue for countries in the Americas region, the tooltip displays the region's name, the country's name, and exact revenue amount. If you add Target Revenue to the Tooltip section of the Grammar Panel, then the target revenue amount is displayed in the tooltip and the user can easily compare the actual revenues with the target revenues. Set the Tooltip field in the General Properties Pane to Tooltip Grammar Only if you want the tool tip to contain only the target revenue amount.
Note the following restrictions:
  • You can drag and drop only measure columns to the Tooltip section in the Grammar Panel.
  • The Tooltip section in the Grammar Panel doesn't display for all visualization types.
  1. On the Home page, hover over a workbook, click Actions Actions icon, then select Open.
  2. Select a visualization on the canvas.
  3. Drag and drop one or more measure columns from the Data Panel to the Tooltip section in the Grammar Panel.
    Hover the mouse pointer over a data point on the visualization to display the tooltip. Because the Tooltip field is set to All Data by default, the tooltip contains the data point's values for all columns included in the visualization. The data values for the columns that you added to the Tooltip section are displayed at the bottom of the tooltip.
  4. Optional: Use the Tooltip field to display only the data values that you want or to turn off the tooltip.
    • If you want the tooltip to display data values for only the columns you dragged to the Tooltip section, then set the Tooltip field to Tooltip Grammar Only.
    • If you don't want the tooltip to be displayed, then confirm that there are no columns in the Tooltip section and set the Tooltip field to Tool Tip Grammar Only.

Using Knowledge Enrichments in the Workbook Editor

Knowledge enrichments enable you to augment the data in your visualizations with data from other sources. For example, if you have a list of cities, knowledge enrichments might provide information about population number, size of city, location.

Take advantage of System Knowledge and Custom Knowledge updates in Oracle Analytics directly in the workbook editor to create data-rich visualizations.

In the workbook editor Data Panel, you'll see knowledge enrichments in the element tree displayed just like regular data elements in the dataset. In this example, workbook editors can add the knowledge enrichments "Population" and other city-related data to a workbook. When you create a workbook based on the dataset that contains CITY, you can add population and other data elements directly to your visualization.
Description of add-custom-enrichments-data-panel.png follows
Description of the illustration add-custom-enrichments-data-panel.png

Knowledge Enrichments are usually enabled by default, but if you own a dataset or have editing privileges for it, you can enable or disable them. See Enable Knowledge Enrichments in the Workbook Editor.