Set Properties for Columns

When you build an analysis, you can edit column properties to control the look and feel of the column. For example, you can specify that values in the Revenue column are displayed with two decimal places and a dollar sign.

  1. Open the analysis for editing.
  2. In the Selected Columns pane, click Options beside the column name, and then select Column Properties.
  3. Specify how you want column values to be displayed.
  4. Format column headings and custom text, and add data display conditions.
  5. Specify what action you want to happen when a user clicks a column heading or value.
  6. Set default column formatting.
  7. Click OK.

Apply Formatting to Content

You can apply basic formatting to values in many types of content including columns, views, and dashboard page sections.

For example, you might want region names in a column to be displayed as Arial 14 point and red. You might also want state names to be displayed as Calibri 12 point and blue.

  1. In the Selected Columns pane, click Options beside the column name, and then select Column Properties.
  2. Specify the style characteristics of the column such as font, cell alignment, and border.
  3. Click OK.

Format Columns

When you create an analysis, you can edit properties for columns to control their appearance and layout. You can also specify formatting to apply only if the contents of the column meet certain conditions.

For example, you can specify that values that exceed $1 million in the Revenue column are displayed with a green background.

  1. In the Selected Columns pane, click Options beside the column name, and then select Column Properties.
  2. In the Column Properties dialog, click the Column Format tab.
  3. To hide the column in the analyses without affecting value aggregation, select the Hide check box.
    For example, you might want to build an analysis that includes only Illinois customers. You can hide the Customers.State column because you only added this column for filtering purposes.
  4. To enter your own values in the Folder Heading and Column Heading fields, select Custom Headings . You can use these fields to reference variables and format the heading values. These values identify the column in the analysis.
  5. If enabled and you have administrator privileges, you can customize headings with HTML markup, including JavaScript. Select Custom Heading, then select Contains HTML Markup, and then enter the HTML markup you want to apply.

    To enable this option, ask an administrator to set Allow HTML/JavaScript/CSS Content option in the Console (under Security in System Settings).

  6. To affect the display of repeating data values for the column, select one of the Value Suppression options.
    When the same value occurs in multiple consecutive rows, you can specify to show that value only once.
  7. To override the default display of data for the column, click the Data Format tab.
    The options on the tab differ depending on the data type.
  8. To specify if column values are displayed in a certain way based on certain criteria, click the Conditional Format tab. Conditional formats can include colors, fonts, images, and so on, for the data and for the cell that contains the data. You can’t apply conditional formatting to the data cell background or font color in a heat matrix.
  9. Click Add Condition, and then select a column.
  10. Select an operator such as is equal to / is in or is greater than.
  11. Specify a value for the operator by either entering a value directly (such as 1000000) or by selecting a value from the list.
  12. Optional: Click Add More Options to add a variable to the condition.
  13. Specify the formatting to apply when the condition is true.
  14. Click OK.

Make Your Analyses Dynamic

You can specify what you want to happen when a user clicks a column heading or value in an analysis. For example, you could specify that when a user clicks the Product column value, it drills down into the data that was summed to create the column value.

Add Interactivity to Analyses

You can make views more interactive by adding interactions that are available to users who left-click in a view or right-click to display a popup menu. For example, you might specify the default primary interaction (the left-click action) for a geographical region column as Drill. This enables users to drill down to sub-regions.

For hierarchical data, the default left-click interaction is to drill down to detail in the data. You can add right-click options that display a web page or link to a view.

  1. Open the analysis for editing.
  2. In the Selected Columns pane, click Options beside the column name, and then select Column Properties.
  3. In the Column Properties dialog, click the Interaction tab.
    You can specify interactions for the column heading and data values.
  4. Click Primary Interaction next to Column Heading or Value and select the behavior you want. For example, select None to disable the action or select Drill to display more detail.
    • Use None to disable all interactions on the column.
    • Use Drill to display a deeper level of detailed content if the data is hierarchical. If no hierarchy is configured for the column, then drilling isn’t enabled.
    • Use Action Links to opens a web page or navigates to supporting BI content.
    • Use Send Master-Detail Events to connect views so that one view drives changes in one or more other views.
  5. Click OK.

    You can specify the interactions that are available at runtime when you right-click a dashboard column or data cell. Here’s an example of the available interactions when you right-click a product name in the Products column. This column is in a Top Product Performers Based on Revenue table.

    Of the selections shown, you can set Drill, Create Group, and Create Calculated Item.

Make Interactions Available

When you add interactions to analyses, you then make those interactions available to others in popup menus.

  1. Open the analysis for editing.
  2. Click either the Criteria tab or the Results tab.
  3. Click Edit Analysis Properties on the toolbar.
  4. Click the Interactions tab.
  5. Select the interactions that you want to make available for that analysis.
  6. Click OK.

Set Default Formats for Your System

You can save system-wide default column formats when you have appropriate privileges. When you save a system-wide default, it provides users with a more consistent experience and saves them time when working with analyses.

For example, you might set Times New Roman as the system-wide default for text columns.

A best practice is to change the default value rather than overriding the default with specific values.

  1. Open an analysis for editing.
  2. In the Selected Columns pane, click Options beside the column name, and then select Column Properties.
  3. In the Column Properties dialog, specify how you want columns to be formatted by default.
  4. Click Save as Default.
  5. Click OK.