Access APEX Service Components

Access APEX Service components from the OCI Console UI, or directly from your browser using the links provided in the Welcome email you received when you created your APEX Service.

Sign In To Administration Services

Sign in to Oracle APEX Administration Services (Administration Services) to perform tasks such as managing user accounts, creating workspaces, monitoring workspace activity, and viewing log files.

Sign in to Administration Services using the ADMIN account and password that was created when your created your APEX Service instance. You can access the Administration Services Sign In page from either the OCI Console UI, or by using the link included in the welcome email you received when you set up your APEX Service.

To sign in to Administration Services:

  1. Navigate to the OCI Console Sign-In Page and sign in as described in Access Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
  2. Next to the Oracle Cloud logo, click the Navigation menu (Navigation menu).
  3. From the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure left navigation list, select Developer Services and then APEX Application Development or APEX Instances.
    The APEX Instances page appears.
  4. Find your APEX Service instance.
  5. Click the three dots Row menu (or Row menu) and select Launch APEX.

    The Oracle APEX Sign In page appears.


    If you have not yet created a workspace, the Administration Services Sign In page appears. Follow the instructions in Set Up a New APEX Service.
  6. Under the Sign In button, click the Administration Services link.
    Description of apex_sign_in_1.png follows
    Description of the illustration apex_sign_in_1.png


    You can also access the Administration Services Sign In page directly. In a web browser, navigate to the Sign In page using the link you received in your APEX Service welcome email. This link has the following format:

  7. On the Administration Services Sign In page:
    1. Password - Enter your ADMIN account password.
    2. Click Sign In to Administration.
    Administration Services appears.


To learn more about Administration Services, see Oracle APEX Administration Guide.

Sign In To a Workspace

Sign in to the APEX development environment by signing into your workspace using your Oracle APEX workspace administrator account.

After you created your APEX Service, a wizard prompted you to create an initial workspace and workspace administrator account. Use your workspace administrator credentials to sign in to your workspace. You can access the Oracle APEX Sign In page from either the OCI Console UI, or by using the link included in the welcome email you received when you set up your APEX Service.

To sign in to your workspace:

  1. Navigate to the OCI Console Sign-In Page and sign in as described in Access Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
  2. Next to the Oracle Cloud logo, click the Navigation menu (Navigation menu).
  3. From the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure left navigation list, select Developer Services and then APEX Application Development or APEX Instances.
    The APEX Instances page appears.
  4. Find your APEX Service instance.
  5. Click the three dots Row menu (or Row menu) and select Launch APEX.

    Oracle APEX Sign In page appears.


    You can also access the Oracle APEX Sign In page using a link. In a web browser, navigate to the Sign In page using the link you received in your APEX Service welcome email. The link has the following format:

  6. On the Oracle APEX Sign In page:
    1. Enter your workspace administrator credentials:
      • Workspace - Enter the name of your workspace.

      • Database Username - Enter your user name.

      • Password - Enter your case-sensitive password.

      Description of apex_sign_in_2.png follows
      Description of the illustration apex_sign_in_2.png
    2. Click Sign In.

See Also:

Access Oracle Database Actions

Use Oracle Database Actions (formerly Oracle SQL Developer Web) to execute queries and scripts, create database objects, load data, build data models, and monitor database performance.

Access Database Actions from either the OCI Console UI, or by using the link included in the welcome email you received when you set up your APEX Service.

To access Database Actions the OCI Console UI:

  1. Navigate to the OCI Console Sign-In Page and sign in as described in Access Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
  2. Next to the Oracle Cloud logo, click the Navigation menu (Navigation menu).
  3. From the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure left navigation list, select Developer Services and then APEX Application Development or APEX Instances.
    The APEX Instances page appears.
  4. Find your APEX Service instance.
  5. Click the three dots Row menu (or Row menu) and select Launch Database Actions.


    You can also access Database Actions using a link. In a web browser, navigate using the link you received in your APEX Service welcome email. The link has the following format:

See Also:

About Database Actions in Using Oracle Database Actions