Managing Plan Entitlements

An entitlement is the relationship between an API and a plan, describing that a plan entitles a client application to invoke an API, and under what conditions.

Understanding Plan Entitlements

An entitlement is the relationship between a plan and an API that defines how a client application can access the API.

There is a many-to-many relationship between plans and APIs. A given plan can have entitlements to multiple APIs; for example, to group related APIs. A given API can be entitled by multiple plans; for example, to provide different quality of service criteria. Note that two entitlements of the same plan cannot point to the same entire API, or to the same action in an API.

You must have a Plan Manager role to manage plan entitlements.

Viewing Plan Entitlement Details

You can view the entitlements in a plan and details such as whether the entitlement is active or published.

To view the details of an entitlement:
  1. On the Plans List page, click the plan whose entitlements you want to view.
  2. Click the Entitlements icon (Entitlements) tab.
  3. To filter the list for active or inactive entitlements, click the Active or Inactive tab.
  4. To filter the list for published or unpublished entitlements, click the Published or Unpublished tab.
  5. To see all entitlements, click the All tab.
  6. To view more details about an entitlement, click its name or the Expand icon to the right.
    In addition to the API name, you can view the description, the user who added the entitlement and when it was added, the rate limit or other constraints that are set.

Adding an API Entitlement to a Plan

A plan can have many entitlements.

To add an entitlement to a plan:
  1. On the Plans List page, click the plan to which you want to add an entitlement.
  2. Click the Entitlements icon (Entitlements) tab.
  3. Click Add Entitlement.
  4. Select the API or APIs to you want to add to the plan.
  5. Click Add.

Publishing and Unpublishing an Entitlement in a Plan

Publishing an entitlement makes it availalble to application developers in the Developer Portal.

To publish or unpublish an entitlement in a plan:
  1. On the Plans List page, click the plan for which you want to publish or unpublish an entitlement.
  2. Click the Entitlements icon (Entitlements) tab.
  3. Click the entitlement that you want to publish or unpublish.
  4. Click the Publish or Unpublish button.
  5. Click Yes.

Activating and Deactivating an Entitlement in a Plan

A plan must be active for it to be available for use.

To activate or deactivate an entitlement in a plan:
  1. On the Plans List page, click the plan for which you want to publish or unpublish an entitlement.
  2. Click the Entitlements icon (Entitlements) tab.
  3. Click the entitlement that you want to publish or unpublish.
  4. Click the Activate or Deactivate button.
  5. Click Yes.

Removing an Entitlement from a Plan

Removing an entitlement removes access to all the APIs in the entitlement.

To remove an entitlement in a plan:
  1. On the Plans List page, click the plan for which you want to remove an entitlement.
  2. Click the Entitlements icon (Entitlements) tab.
  3. Click the entitlement that you want to remove.
  4. Click the Remove button.
  5. Click Yes.