Generate Translation Keys for Display Texts

For static strings in the UI of your application, you can use the Properties pane to add keys and values for the strings to a bundle for translation.

You can use the Properties pane to generate and add keys for UI components to a translation bundle. When you use the Properties pane to define the translatable string, a key is generated automatically, but you can specify your own key in the dialog box. You can also edit the keys, values and metadata in translation files directly using a text editor.

To generate a key for a string using the Properties pane:

  1. Select the component on the canvas that you want to be translatable.
    You can select components that use a static string in their text fields, for example, a Button component. You cannot create translations for elements where the display label or text is the result of an expression or variable.
  2. Click the globe icon for the text field to open the Translatable String popup.
  3. Select Create New to add a new string to a translation bundle.
  4. Confirm or edit the string to be translated. Click Save.

    The Translatable String popup contains a Text field for the string to be translated. The popup also contains a Description field that you can use to provide a description of the context for the string. The description text is included as metadata in the translation bundle.