Configure a Vanity URL

A vanity URL is a unique, customized web address that’s branded for marketing purposes and helps users remember and find a specific page of your website. To customize the user sign-in experience, customers may use their own vanity URL prefix instead of the Oracle Application Container Cloud Service application URL.

To configure your vanity URL, you must have a custom domain name, access to an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Load Balancing Classic account, and a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate. See Obtaining a Digital Certificate in Using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Load Balancing Classic.
  1. Add the digital certificate to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Load Balancing Classic. See Importing a Load Balancer Digital Certificate in Using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Load Balancing Classic.
  2. Update the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Load Balancing Classic listener of your application. Include the digital certificate in and add the vanity URL of the certificate as one of the virtual hosts. See Creating Listeners for a Load Balancer in Using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Load Balancing Classic.
  3. Create a CNAME record in your domain name system, entering your vanity URL as the name and the Oracle Application Container Cloud Service application URL as the value.
  4. To test your vanity URL, enter it in a browser. Oracle Application Container Cloud Service application is displayed.