Configure Folders and View List of Files

Use the Folders page to create and manage folders and set their permissions. A user’s permissions are a combination of individual assigned permissions and those of any groups the user is a member of.

Before you configure folders, you should configure group access.

After you configure folders, users with the appropriate permissions can add files to folders using an external SFTP client. Administrators can view these files in selected folders in File Server.

  1. In the navigation pane, click Settings, then File Server, then Folders.
    The Folders page is displayed, with the current folder's path shown. The selected folder appears above the table, and the subfolders appear in the table. Files are listed with name, last modified date, and size displayed.
  2. Optional: Find a folder or file by sorting, searching, or filtering.
    • Sort folder contents by clicking a column heading. Folders are listed above files. By default, folders are sorted by last modified date, starting with most recent.
    • Click Search Search icon, enter one or more characters in the folder's name, and press Enter. Click the X on the search bar to return to the default display.
    • Click Filter Filter icon, choose whether to view folders or files, and click Apply. Click the X on the filter to return to the default display.
  3. Optional: Create, rename, or delete folders as needed.
    • To add a folder in the currently selected path, click Create, enter a name, and click Create.
    • To rename a folder, hover over the folder and click Actions Actions icon. Select Rename, enter a new name, and click Rename.
    • To delete a folder, hover over the folder and click Delete Delete icon. Deleting a folder deletes its contents, too, including any subfolders and files.


    To open a folder and view its list of folders and files, click the folder name.
  4. Set folder permissions.
    1. Hover over a folder and click Permissions Permissions icon.
      The Permissions page appears.
    2. Follow the steps in Set Folder Permissions.
  5. If needed, revert changes made to the folder's permissions since the last save by clicking Revert.
  6. Click Save.
After configuring folders, create an allowlist for File Server. See Create an Allowlist for Public IP Addresses.

Set Folder Permissions

On the Permissions page, choose the people who can read, write, delete, and perform other actions on a folder and its files.

  1. In the navigation pane, click Settings, then File Server, then Folders.
  2. Hover over a folder, and click Permissions Permissions icon.
    The Permissions page is displayed, showing a list of users or groups with permissions configured for the current folder. The icon next to each entry identifies whether it is a user or a group.
  3. Change permissions as needed. For example:
    • To change permissions for the users and groups, select or deselect permission checkboxes.
    • To remove all permissions for a user or group, click Delete Identity Delete icon.
  4. To block permissions that are set to Propagate to Subfolders from applying to the folder, select Do not inherit.
    This setting prevents permissions from being propagated to this folder and its subfolders.
  5. Grant additional users or groups permissions to the folder, as needed.
    1. Click Add Permissions.
    2. In the Select Users or Groups panel, click the Users or Groups tab, select one or more identities, and click Add. The new identities are added to the permissions list.
    3. Click Close.
    4. Select checkboxes to set specific permissions. Select a checkbox at the top of the table to assign a permission to all listed users and groups.
    Field Description


    Assign all permissions to this user or group.


    Allow files to be downloaded.


    Allow files to be uploaded.


    Allow files to be deleted.


    Allow listing of the folder's contents.

    Create Folder

    Allow subfolders to be created.

    Rename Folder

    Allow renaming of subfolders.

    Delete Folder

    Allow deletion of subfolders.

    Propagate to subfolders

    Apply the selected permissions to all subfolders within the folder (and all child subfolders within and so on) unless you block this setting for a selected subfolder using the Do Not Inherit setting.

  6. If needed, revert changes made to folders since the last save by clicking Revert.
  7. Click Save.
After setting folder permissions, you must create an allowlist so you can control access to File Server.

Default Folders for Users and Groups

In the File Server folder directory, the root/home folder contains default folders for groups and users that an administrator creates in Oracle Identity Cloud Service console and that you enable for File Server. You can delete the files and sub-folders within the folders but not the folders themselves.

The folders are in the following locations:

  • When you enable a group's access to File Server, a folder for the group is created in /home/groups/<group>
  • When you enable a user's access to File Server, a folder for the user is created in /home/users/<user>

If an administrator deletes a group in Oracle Identity Cloud Service console, the group no longer appears on the Groups page for File Server. Similarly, deleted users no longer appear on the Users page. However, the folder for the group or user remains in File Server to preserve access for people or groups who rely on the files in the folder.