Create Events to Publish and Subscribe to in Integrations

You can create events that you publish in an integration and subscribe to in another integration. The contents of the event must be in JSON or XML schema format.

  1. In the navigation pane, click Design, then Events.

    The Events page shows a Create button. Below this is a table with columns for Name, Usage, and Last updated.

  2. Click Create.
    The Define new event panel opens.
  3. Enter a name (for this example, Patient Moved is entered) and optional description, then click Continue.
    The Define event structure panel opens.
  4. From the Structure type list, select an option:
    1. Select JSON Sample to upload a JSON file or drag and drop a JSON file into the box, then click Create. You can also manually edit the JSON sample provided to create your file contents.
    2. Select XML Schema to upload an XML schema file or drag and drop an XML schema file into the box, then click Next.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Click Add icon to define a custom header name and description.
  7. Click Edit Edit icon to change the icon to a Check MarkCheck mark icon. This action enables the row to be edited.
  8. Enter a name and optional description, then click the Check Mark Check mark icon when complete.
    The event is displayed on the Events page.


    The Search Search icon feature on the Events page only works on exact matches of names and is case sensitive.
  9. Hover your cursor over the event, and click View details View details icon to view the file contents (for this example, a JSON-formatted file). The Custom Headers tab enables you to view any custom headers defined for this event. The Subscribers and Publishers tabs enable you to view the integrations that have subscribed to the event and published the event.

    The Events page is shown. The name patient appears in the Search field. Below this is the name column. The event Patient Moved appears at the top of the list. To the right is the Details page for Patient Moved. Three tabs are listed: Structure (which is selected), Subscribers, and Publishers. The JSON structure of Patient Moved is shown.

  10. Perform other tasks, as necessary:
    • Click Edit Edit icon to edit the event. You can change the name or replace the contents of the file of the event.
    • Click Actions Actions icon to access options for cloning or deleting the event.
    The event is available for publishing in an integration. See Publish Events in an Integration.