About Publishing and Subscribing to Events

You can create and select events for publishing and subscribing to in integrations in Oracle Integration. You define the events in JSON-formatted or XML schema files. You can also define custom header-based filters in events. This section provides an overview of the event design life cycle and describes event restrictions.

Event Design Life Cycle

The publish and subscribe feature enables you to decouple producers and subscribers. This decoupling enables you to define an event and start building your subscriber for the event before the event is published. You can create an event type (can be a producer, subscriber, or someone else). Creating an event type defines a contract, meaning that there's a contract to produce and subscribe.

The event design life cycle consists of three high-level steps. These steps are described using an event named Patient Moved as an example. References are provided to more specific documentation for performing these steps.

Step Description For Specific Details...
1 - Create an event Create a JSON-formatted or XML schema event on the Events page of Oracle Integration. For this example, the Patient Moved event contains the following JSON-formatted contents:
    "patientId": "value1", 
    "fromDept": "value1", 
    "toDept": "value1"

You can also define custom headers to which to add filters later when creating a subscribing integration. See Define Custom Header Filters to Trigger Integrations.

See Create Events to Publish and Subscribe to in Integrations.
2 - Create an event publishing integration Create a publishing integration to publish the event:
  1. Create an integration.
  2. Drag a Publish event action into the integration canvas.
  3. Select Patient Moved as the event to publish in the Choose event panel.
See Publish Events in an Integration.
3 - Create an event subscription integration Create a subscription integration to subscribe to the event:
  1. Select the Event integration pattern in the Create integration panel. This option creates an event-based integration pattern.
  2. Select Patient Moved in the Choose event panel.
  3. Run the publishing integration described in Step 2. This action triggers the event to be subscribed to by the subscription integration.
See Subscribe to Events in an Integration.


A maximum of 50 integrations can subscribe to events per service instance.