Cut and Paste Elements in the Integration Canvas

You can cut and paste elements (actions and invokes) in the integration canvas. This enables you to move elements to other places in your integration and eliminates the need to recreate them. The cut and paste feature replaces the reposition feature in Oracle Integration Generation 2.


  • You can cut and paste individual elements or multiple contiguous elements.
  • You can cut and paste more logically complex actions such as a scope action and all the elements within its container or branching actions such as a switch action that includes multiple branching actions such as for-each actions inside it.
  • You cannot cut a trigger, either individually or as part of a group of selected elements.
  • You cannot cut an end node.
  • You cannot cut branches from some actions, such as a routing branch in a switch action.
  • If you cut an element and then decide you don't want to paste it, press the Esc key or right-click anywhere in the integration canvas and select Cancel Cut & Paste. This cancels the cut action.

    The menu shows the Cancel Cut & Paste, Clear Selections, and Zoom 100% options.

Options for Cutting and Pasting Elements

You can cut and paste elements in the integration canvas with toolbar options above the integration canvas or with inline menus.

The Selection Mode, Cut, and Paste options in the toolbar.

You can cut elements in multiple ways:
  • Select a single element or multiple elements (with the Selection Mode Selection mode icon option) in the integration canvas and click Cut icon in the toolbar.
  • Select a single element or multiple elements in the integration canvas, then click Actions Actions icon and select Cut for the selected element or elements.

    A scope action is expanded to show a map action, which has been highlighted. The Actions menu of the map action has been selected to show options for Edit, Import, Delete, and Cut.

You can paste elements in multiple ways:
  • Select the element either before or after the location at which you want to paste it, then click Actions Actions icon and select Paste, and either Before or After (depending on which element you selected).

    The Actions menu of the Trigger action is selected to show the options Paste, and then After. To the right of the trigger action is the Assign action, followed by the Scope action and the Map action that has been selected for cutting.

  • Paste inside an action such as a scope or a branch of a switch action by clicking Actions Actions icon and selecting Paste, and then Into.

    This image shows two branches in a switch action: Route 1 and Otherwise. The invoke action in the Otherwise route is selected for pasting. The action menu of the Route 1 branch is selected and Paste > Into is selected.

  • Click Insert Add icon in the location at which to move the element, then select Paste.

    The + icon is selected to show a menu with Paste being selected. The Invokes and Actions tabs are below Paste and the Suggestions section is above Paste.

  • Click Paste Paste icon above the toolbar to paste the selected element in the appropriate location. The selections you make in the integration canvas determine when the toolbar options are enabled.

    A list is selected to show options for Into, Before, and After. The Before option is being selected. To the right is a scope action.

Example: Cut and Paste a Single Element

This example shows one way to cut and paste a single element. Other cut and paste methods are described in Options for Cutting and Pasting Elements.

  1. Click the element to move. For this example, a map action is selected to move. This action enables Cut Cut icon in the toolbar.

    The Trigger action, the Assign action, the Scope action, and the Map action are shown.

  2. In the selected action, click Actions Actions icon and select Cut.

    A scope action is expanded to show a map action, which has been highlighted. The Actions menu of the map action has been selected to show options for Edit, Import, Delete, and Cut.

    An animated dashed box is displayed around the action to cut. You cannot click inside this box and perform any actions. You can also expand the number of elements to cut by dragging the dashed box around other elements.

  3. Select the element next to where you want to paste the element.
  4. Click Actions Actions icon and select Paste, then After.

    For this example, the trigger element is selected. As an alternative, you can also select the assign action and paste the map action before it. The menu context changes based on where you select to paste the element.

    The Actions menu of the Trigger action is selected to show the options Paste, and then After. To the right of the trigger action is the Assign action, followed by the Scope action and the Map action that has been selected for cutting.

    The map element is pasted to its new location after the trigger and before the assign action.
    The Trigger, Map, and Assign actions are shown.

Example: Cut and Paste Multiple Elements

This example shows one way to use cut and paste multiple elements. Other cut and paste methods are described in Options for Cutting and Pasting Elements.

  1. Click Selection Mode Selection mode icon in the toolbar.
  2. Drag your cursor around the elements to cut. For this example, a map, an invoke, and another map are selected.

    The switch action shows branches for Route 1 and Otherwise. In the Route 1 branch, the cursor has been dragged around the map, invoke, and map actions.

  3. Click Cut Cut icon in the toolbar.

    An animated dashed box is displayed around the elements to cut. You cannot click inside this box and perform any actions.

    The switch action shows branches for Route 1 and Otherwise. In the Route 1 branch, the cursor has been dragged around the map, invoke, and map actions.

  4. Select the element next to where you want to paste the element. For this example, the trigger is selected.
  5. Paste the selected elements after the trigger in either of two ways:
    1. Click Actions Actions icon and select Paste, then After.


    2. Click Paste Paste icon in the toolbar, then select After.

      The switch action shows branches for Route 1 and Otherwise. In the Route 1 branch, the cursor has been dragged around the map, invoke, and map actions. The actions menu of the trigger action is selected to show options for Edit, Edit Connection, Regenerate Artifacts, Paste, and Cancel Cut & Paste.

      The map, invoke, and map are pasted to their new location after the trigger and before the scope action.

      The trigger, map, invoke, map, and scope are shown.