Prerequisites for Developing Integrations

Depending on your organization's requirements, you might need to perform some, all, or none of the prerequisites for designing integrations.

Complete the required prerequisites one time, before you start designing integrations.

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Plan your work

Before you start building, spend some time planning your work. For example:

  1. Understand the problem.

    An integration automates work that people would otherwise complete. Spend some time understanding the reason the work needs to be done, the current process, the problems with the current process, and the ideal workflow. Gathering requirements can be challenging, but this research becomes a worthwhile use of your time when you collect information that helps you deliver a superb solution.

    For example, you might need to:

    • Create an order in Oracle ERP Cloud when Oracle ERP Cloud receives an opportunity won event from a CRM.
    • Synchronize patient data every Friday at 5 PM.
  2. Identify how to fulfill the requirements in an integration and plan your integration at a high level.

  3. Identify the applications that you're connecting, and collect connectivity information.

    For example, collect the URLs and authentication details for the applications.

  4. Determine whether a recipe or accelerator can help.

    Recipes and accelerators contain all the resources required for specific integration scenarios. See Recipes on the Oracle Help Center.


Complete the prerequisites for the applications you're connecting

Required if: The adapter you're using to connect to an application has prerequisites. Most adapters have prerequisites.

Get started: Complete the prerequisites described in the guides for each adapter. Additionally, determine the security policies and connection login credentials that you'll use for the connections that are based on the adapter. See Configure Connection Properties.


Install the on-premises connectivity agent

Required if: An integration needs to connect to applications that reside in an on-premises network.

Not needed if: You're connecting to cloud applications only.

Learn more: About Connecting to On-Premises Applications with the Connectivity Agent.

Get started:
  1. Create a connectivity agent group.

    See Create an Agent Group.

  2. Download and run the on-premises connectivity agent installer in your local environment.

    During installation setup, associate the on-premises connectivity agent with the agent group.

    See Download and Run the Connectivity Agent Installer or Use the Connectivity Agent in High Availability Environments.

After you install the connectivity agent, you can create a connection that uses the agent group and its associated connectivity agent. See Create a Connection with an Agent Group.


Configure a private endpoint

Required if: You need to connect to private resources and must route the traffic through a private channel.

Not needed if: You don't need to connect to private resources, or you need to connect to private resources but don't need to route traffic through a private channel.

Learn more: Connect to Private Resources in Provisioning and Administering Oracle Integration 3.

Get started:
  1. Complete the prerequisites for configuring a private endpoint.

    See Prerequisites for Configuring a Private Endpoint in Provisioning and Administering Oracle Integration 3.

  2. Configure the private endpoint.

    See Configure a Private Endpoint for an Instance in Provisioning and Administering Oracle Integration 3.

Later, when you create connections, you choose whether they use the private endpoint to connect to applications.


A connection that doesn't use the connectivity agent or a private endpoint is routed through the public internet.

After completing the prerequisites, you can start designing integrations. See Workflow for Developing an Integration.