Workflow for Developing an Integration

To develop an integration, first create a project to work in. Then, create the integration and all its components, and specify the steps that the integration completes.

Before completing these tasks, make sure you complete all prerequisites. See Prerequisites for Developing Integrations.
Step Task More information


Create a project

Create one or many integrations in each project. Most organizations group related integrations in a single project.

Learn more: Get Started with Projects.

Get started: Create or Import a Project.


Create an integration

Oracle recommends designing integrations in projects, but you can also design an integration outside of a project.

When you create the integration, add trigger and invoke connections, assign business identifiers, and then map the data between the connections.

Learn more: About Integrations.

Get started: Create, Import, or Copy an Integration into a Project or Create an Integration.


Choose the applications to connect

Connect to applications using connections. Create one connection for each application that you need to integrate. Typically, an administrator creates connections.

You can use a connection in one or many integrations.

Learn more: About Connections.

Get started: Add and Share a Connection Across a Project.


Specify which data to move and how to move it

Specify the data to move and the way to move the data by adding trigger and invoke connections to an integration. At that time, you specify your requirements, including how to process the data.

Learn more: About Connections.

Get started: Understand Trigger and Invoke Connections.


Map different terms that describe the same item (required for only some integrations)

Use lookups to associate different values for the same item. For example, two applications might have different gender codes or country codes. Lookups ensure that the correct values appear in the target application.

Required if: The applications you're connecting share and represent information differently.

Learn more: About Lookups.

Get started: Add a Lookup to a Project.


Upload JavaScript for use in your integration (optional)

When you need to call JavaScript from an integration, you can import the JavaScript file.

Learn more: Use Libraries to Manage Integration Functions.

Get started: Import a JavaScript Library in a Project.


Design the business logic of your integration

Every integration performs one or more activities, such as looping over elements and adding routing expressions. Add actions to perform the activities that the integration must complete.

Get started:

  • To review the wide range of available actions, see Add Actions to an Application Integration.

  • In addition to the actions that define the business logic of the integration, consider including the following actions as best practices:
    • Add email notifications to the integration

      You can use email notifications to send confirmations or inform you about faults that have occurred. Oracle Integration sends the email notifications at specific processing points for an integration, and the notifications help you quickly identify issues with important business processes.

      See Send Notification Emails During Stages of the Integration with a Notification Action.

    • Add global fault handling to the integration

      A fault handler translates cryptic error messages into actionable tasks so your business can keep running smoothly. If the APIs you're connecting to return error messages that are difficult to understand, consider adding global fault handling.

      See Add Global Fault Handling to Integrations.

    • Add fault handlers to a collection of actions and invokes

      When you move some business logic, including actions and invokes, into a scope, you can add fault handlers to the business logic.

      See Manage a Group of Actions and Fault Handlers with a Scope Action.


Select the payload fields to track in runtime

You track fields in messages during runtime by assigning business identifiers to the fields.

Get started: Assign Business Identifiers for Tracking Fields in Messages.


Specify when your integration runs (schedule integrations only)

Schedule integrations run by the clock. Specify when to run the integration and more details when you schedule the integration.

Get started: Define the Integration Schedule.

Next, deploy the integration to a higher environment, if needed. See Workflow for Deploying Integrations. Or, you can test the integration in your development environment. See Workflow for Testing Integrations.