Workflow for Testing Integrations

You can test integrations in your development environment or in a higher environment, such as testing or production. When testing, check the integrations for errors and ensure that they run as expected. You should understand the goals and business logic of an integration so that you can identify issues quickly.

If you need to deploy to a higher environment before testing, see Workflow for Deploying Integrations.

Step Task More information


Activate the project or the integrations in the project

You have several options:

  • In any environment, you can activate the project, which activates all integrations in it.

    The Debug tracing level isn't available when you activate a project, but you can update the tracing level for individual integrations after activation. See Update the Tracing Level of Integrations in a Project.

  • If you're working in your development environment, you can also activate integrations individually.

    When you activate integrations individually, you can choose the tracing level for each integration. See Activate an Integration.

Note: When you activate an integration, you choose the level of tracing information to log to the activity stream. Consider the following factors when choosing a tracing level:

  • To see a detailed log of every activity that the integration completes, such as when you're testing, select Debug (Not recommended) for the tracing level. After 24 hours, Debug (Not recommended) is automatically reset to Production.

    Debug tracing provides the most robust level of information in the activity stream and can help you find mistakes. However, Oracle recommends not using debug tracing in production for several reasons. Debug tracing captures a lot of data and can cause performance issues for an integration, and it might expose sensitive data.

  • If you're testing the invokes or the trigger of the integration, you don't need to use debug tracing. Instead, the Audit tracing level captures payloads for these activities.


Run the integration

To run an integration, invoke the endpoint URL for the integration. You have several options for invoking an endpoint URL:
  • For any integration

    You can trigger any integration from outside Oracle Integration. Copy the endpoint URL from within Oracle Integration, and use it in a client application to run the integration.

    For instance:
    • If the trigger for an integration is the creation of a specific event in Salesforce, create the event in Salesforce.
    • If an integration trigger uses the SOAP Adapter, use a SOAP user interface to trigger the endpoint URL.
    • If an integration trigger is based on the REST Adapter, use Postman to trigger it, or see the next bullet.
  • For schedule integrations and integrations that use trigger-based REST Adapter connections

    Run these integrations from within Oracle Integration. See Run a Schedule Integration Immediately and Test REST Adapter Trigger Connection-Based Integrations in Projects.


Check the activity stream for errors

Verify that the instance of the integration is finished. See Monitor Integrations in a Project.

Next, verify that the integration finished running, and check the activity stream for errors. The activity stream depicts the message flow in the integration instance and indicates where errors occurred, if any. The activity stream contains all the information that you need to troubleshoot problems with your integrations.

To learn more, see Learn About the Payloads in the Activity Stream.

You can open the activity stream from several pages:


If an error occurred when the integration ran, address it and take the appropriate next steps

When the activity stream contains one or more errors, the integration isn't running as expected.

  1. Identify the cause of the issue by reviewing the activity stream.

    Get more information about an error on the Instance Details page. This page provides a graphical view of the integration flow and also includes the activity stream.

  2. Address the error as needed. For example:
    • Update the connection or the configuration of the lookup.
    • Fix the integration in your development environment and redeploy it.
  3. Run the integration again, and repeat these steps as needed until the integration runs without errors.


Verify that the integration works as expected

For example:

  • Verify that the integration creates records as expected in the target application.
  • Verify that the integration handles expected failures, errors, and invalid data as expected.