Workflow for Deploying Integrations

You have several opportunities to deploy to higher environments. Many organizations deploy to a testing environment to simulate real-world usage, including testing under load. Additionally, everyone should deploy to a production environment when you're ready to go live. The steps you follow are the same for both environments.


Complete these steps only if you're promoting to a higher environment and are working in a project:

  • If you use a single environment for development and testing, these steps apply only when you're promoting to your production environment. For guidance on testing, see Workflow for Testing Integrations.
  • If you're not using projects, follow your organization's standard procedures for deploying integrations to higher environments.

If you haven't developed the integration yet, see Workflow for Developing an Integration.

Step Task More information


Create a project deployment

Work in your development environment. Include the integrations and their versions in the project deployment.


Export the project deployment

Export the project deployment to the location of your choice, such as your hard drive or a location on your network.

  • To work in the user interface, you have the following options:

  • To use the REST API, use the archive endpoint. See Export a Project in REST API for Oracle Integration 3.


Import the project deployment into the higher environment

Sign in to the environment to which you're deploying the integrations, such as the testing or production environment. Then, import the exported project into the environment.

  • To work in the user interface, see Create or Import a Project.

  • To use the REST API, use the archive endpoint. See Import(Add) a Project in REST API for Oracle Integration 3.

    Note: To synchronize the project with a source control system, use the archive endpoint to export the entire project. See Export a Project in REST API for Oracle Integration 3.


Configure the properties for the connections in the integrations

You must update your connection properties so that they reflect the higher environment that you imported into.

See Configure Connection Properties and Security Properties.

Next, it's time to test the integration. See Workflow for Testing Integrations.