About Process Usage

When creating Oracle Integration instances, administrators specify the number of message packs they plan to use for per instance.

Process message metering

Process metering tracks the number of concurrent, unique users interacting within a 1 hour interval. Sizing is based on concurrent users, which are converted to message packs. One Process user/hour is equivalent to 400 messages/hour.

  • If you have 1,000 messages per hour and 10 distinct users, these would count as 1,000 integration messages + (400)*10 users = 5,000, so 1 message pack of 5,000 messages per hour.

  • Another way to visualize Process sizing: 5,000 message packs per hour equate to 12.5 distinct concurrent users performing tasks.

What's counted?

A logged in user is counted for a minimum of one hour when performing any write operations that update a task or process instance, which includes:

  • Updating or processing tasks (approve/reject a task, add an attachment/comment, re-assign, or request for information)
  • Creating process instances

Within each hour of use, a distinct user can perform an unlimited number of write operations.

Oracle Integration has a 1 message pack minimum charge per hour to keep the system available, even with no usage. Note that you can turn off your Oracle Integration instance for billing purposes, but no instances are processed while the instance is stopped.

What's NOT counted?

This count doesn’t include:

  • Logged in users performing read-only only (query or read) operations.
  • Integrations triggered from the process (integrations are waived).

Process Usage Examples

This table shows by example how message billing is calculated and the rules that apply.

Scenario Type Scenario Billing Message Calculation

Process Workspace

Between 9am and 10am, 20 employees access Workspace. Within the one hour timeframe:

  • 5 users (user1 through user5) create a total of 100 new process instances.

  • 10 other users (user6 through user15) process different tasks created by user1 through user5, and complete them.

  • The remaining 5 users (user16 through user20) only check the task and process instance status, but do not perform any update/write operations.

The 9am-10 am hour block reports 15 concurrent users (5 created new instances and 10 processed tasks).

Process Workspace and mobile app

Between 10 and 11am, 10 users access Workspace and 5 access the Oracle Process Mobile app. Within the one hour timeframe:

  • 10 users (user1 through user10) create new process instances and also approve at least 1 task total.

  • 5 users (user11 through user15) log into the mobile app: 3 of them create new instances, and the other 2 perform only read-only operations.

The 10am-11am hour block reports 13 concurrent users (10 workspace users plus 3 mobile users performed update/write operations, while 2 mobile users did not perform any update/write operations).

Process Workspace and Visual Builder

Between 11am and 12pm, 5 users access Oracle Integration from a Visual Builder application and 5 other users access Workspace.

  • 2 of the 5 Visual Builder users access Visual Builder, and interact with a Visual Builder app that in turn triggers execution of an API that creates new process instances and processes tasks.

  • The other 3 Visual Builder users access the Visual Builder app and read and access task and process instance status.

  • The 5 users access Workspace and approve a minimum of 1 task each within the hour timeframe.

The 11am-12pm hour block reports 7 concurrent users (2 Visual Builder users and 5 Workspace users performed update/write operations). This result does not include the Visual Builder concurrent user licenses. Visual Builder concurrent users are metered separately.