Pre-General Availability: 2024-09-02

Associate a Robot with an Environment Pool

To run a robot on a real-world environment, you must first associate the robot with an environment pool.

  1. Open a project.
    1. In the navigation pane, select Projects.
    2. Select the project name.
  2. In the left toolbar, select Robot Robot.
  3. In the Robots box, point to a robot, select Actions icon, and select Add environment pool.

    The Add environment pool panel appears.

  4. Select the environment pool where the robot will run.
  5. Select Add.

You now have an environment pool where a robot can run, and the robot is associated with the environment. If the robot doesn't contain any errors, its state changes from Draft to Configured. To find and fix errors, see Fix a Robot's Errors.

Next, activate the robot. See Activate a Robot.