Annotate a Graph

Graph Annotation mode allows you to add vertices and edges on a graph visualization. You can also add or edit the graph's properties for visualization.

To annotate a graph:
  1. Set to graph Annotation Mode on the Graph Visualization panel.
  2. Annotate the graph visualization by performing one of the following actions:
    • Add a new vertex by clicking anywhere in the graph visualization canvas.
    • Create a new edge by dragging the mouse from the source vertex to the target vertex.
    • Move a vertex by dragging the mouse while holding the Shift key or with initial long click on it.
    • Add properties to new vertices and edges or edit the properties of existing ones.
    All your edits are added to the graph manipulation action stack, so you can undo, redo, or clear them using appropriate graph manipulation actions. The addedByUser and editedByUser properties are added automatically to vertices and edges that you create or edit, so that you can use them in Graph Highlights operations.


    All graph annotations persist only on the graph visualization and not on the actual graph itself. You can remove the graph annotations by resetting the graph visualization to its default state.