Linking Data

You can link to data in remote databases or in cloud storage buckets.

When you link to data in a remote database or in cloud storage, the target object produced is an external table or a view. When you select that target table or view on the Data Load Jobs page, the source preview for the object shows the current data in the source object.

Linking to columns in a remote database or to files in cloud storage can be useful when the source data is being continually updated. For example, if you have a database table with columns that are updated for each new sales transaction, and you have run a data load job that links columns of the source table to targets in your Oracle Autonomous Database, then those targets have the new sales data as it is updated in the source.

Linking to File System

You can link to file system directories from your Autonomous Database.

On the Data Load dashboard page, click Link Data and select File System. On the left side of the page is a navigator pane, where you choose a directory with the folders or files containing the data. On the right of the page is the data link cart, where you stage the files and folders for the data link job. You can set options for the data link job before running it. The Autonomous Database comes with predefined CPU/IO shares assigned to different consumer groups. You can set the consumer group to either low, medium or high while executing a data load job depending on your workload.

Drag and drop the files or folders from the directory you select to add them to linking job.

Enter Details for the Data Link Job

Enter the details about the data link job in the Link Data from Directory dialog box. For more details, refer to the Linking to Objects in Cloud Storage chapter.

Linking to Share

You can subscribe to a Share Provider for linking data.

On the Data Load Dashboard page, click Link Data and select Share. For more details, refer to the Loading data from a Share chapter.

Linking to Data Catalog

You can link your Data Catalogs to Autonomous Database.

Click OCI Data Catalog in the Link Data page under the Data Load menu to register a Data Catalog for linking data. Refer to the Register Data Catalog chapter for more details on this.