Data Access

Classes and functions to read, write and manipulate spatial data from different sources.

Read / Write Spatial Data

Functions for reading and writing spatial data from different sources by specifying a sub type of oraclesai.SpatialDataset.


Load the given dataset reference into a geopandas GeoDataFrame object.

write(gdf, dataset[, include_index, ...])

Write the content from an existing GeoDataFrame to the destination defined by the dataset parameter.

push(gdf[, create_spatial_index])

Pushes a geopandas.GeodataFrame into Oracle Database.


Creates a SpatialDataFrame instance based on the dataset type.

SpatialDataFrame.write(dataset[, if_exists, ...])

Writes the current SpatialDataFrame data into the destination specified by the dataset argument.

SpatialDataset Types

SpatialDataset types allow describing a spatial data set so it can be read or written.

DBSpatialDataset(table[, schema, cursor, ...])

A reference to a database table with a geometry layer.

PARObjStoreSpatialDataset(par_url[, ...])

Contains a Pre-Authenticated request URL to a folder or object in a spatial format located in Oracle Object Store.

FileSpatialDataset(path[, driver])

Reference to a file or directory within a local file system.


A reference to an existing GeoDataFrame.

Geometry Manipulation and Proximity Spatial Analysis

Data structure used for handling spatial data.


A pandas-like interface for handling spatial vector data as if the data were in memory regardless of the data location.