
Spatial AI provides functions for plotting spatial data and displying basemaps.


Instances of SpatialDataFrame can be plotted using the instance method oraclesai.SpatialDataFrame.plot() which ultimately calls the plot_geometries() method listed below.

Clustering results can be visualized using the plot_clusters function.

All the plotting functions work with either, a SpatialDataFrame or geopandas.GeoDataFrame.

plot_geometries(data[, ax, with_basemap])

Plot data using matplotlib.

plot_clusters(X, labels_[, background_data, ...])

Plot clustering result using matplotlib.

Base maps

Spatial AI plotting functions accept the paremeter with_map which, in its simplest form, can take a True value to add the default basemap to a plot.

A basemap can also be specified using a TileProvider instance.

Spatial AI provides basemaps based on eLocation as TileProvider instances.

The following basemaps are available through oralcesai.vis.elocation:

  • osm_positron

  • osm_bright

  • osm_darkmatter

  • world_map_mb

It is also possible to add a basemap separetely by calling oraclesai.vis.add_basemap().