Spatial Analysis

Spatial AI features for spatial analysis.

Spatial Weights

SpatialWeights(w[, definition])

A SpatialWeights instance represents a spatial weights matrix calculated for some data


A concrete implementation of this class defines the criteria used to identify spatial neighbors in a data set so that these neighbors can be used to calculate a spatial weights matrix.


Defines a spatial relationship of K nearest neighbors.

DistanceBandWeightsDefinition(threshold[, ...])

Defines a spatial relationship based on a given distance.


Defines a spatial relationship where two polygons are considered neighbors if they share at least one vertex.


Defines a spatial relationship where two polygons are considered neighbors if they share at least one edge.

KernelBasedWeightsDefinition([bandwidth, ...])

Defines a spatial relationship based on a kernel function, a decay function where closer neighbors have larger values while further neighbors have smaller ones.

Exploratory Spatial Analysis

MoranITest(data[, weights, ...])

An implementation of the Moran I spatial autocorrelation test.

LocalMoranITest(data, column_name[, ...])

An implementation of the Local Moran's I spatial autocorrelation test.


Defines values for representing quadrants in a plane which are associated with different types of spatial autocorrelations.

spatial_colocation_analysis(feature_data, ...)

Spatial colocation measures and analyze relationships between point features of different classes from the same spatial layer and, or from different spatial layers.