
spatial_colocation_analysis(feature_data, spatial_weights_definition, interest_category=None, neighbor_category=None, neighbor_feature_data=None, is_time_window_analysis=False, interest_time_window=None, neighbor_time_widow=None, n_permutations=None)

Spatial colocation measures and analyze relationships between point features of different classes from the same spatial layer and, or from different spatial layers. Colocation Analysis is a tool that measures proximity patterns between two categories of point features, A and B, using the Local Colocation Quotient (LCLQ) statistic. For each feature of the Category of Interest (category A), it calculates its LCLQ score. If the proportion of points of category B within its neighborhood is more than the global proportion of B points, the LCLQ value will be high. • If there are more A points or more points from categories other than B within its neighborhood, the LCLQ score will be small.

  • feature_data – GeoDataFrame of SpatialDataFrame. The data that will be used for the colocation analysis

  • spatial_weights_definition – SpatialWeightsDefinition. Specifies how the distance between neighbors is calculated

  • interest_category – tuple. default=None. Two values indicating the field and value of the category of interest

  • neighbor_category – tuple. default=None. Two values indicating the field and value of the neighboring category

  • neighbor_feature_data – GeoDataFrame of SpatialDataFrame. default=None. If present, the neighboring observations come from here

  • is_time_window_analysis – boolean, default=False. Indicates if time window_analysis will be used

  • interest_time_window – tuple, default=None. Requires is_time_window_analysis to be true. It contains three values indicating the field, start time, end time for interest category

  • neighbor_time_widow – tuple, default=None. Requires is_time_window_analysis to be true. It contains three values indicating the field, start time, end time for neighboring category

  • n_permutations – int, default=None. The number of permutations used to calculate the significance level of the colocation quotient scores. If None, the significance level is None