Event Types for Base Database Service

Base Database service resources emit events, which are structured messages that indicate changes in resources.

For more information about Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Events, see Overview of Events. You may subscribe to events and be notified when they occur using the Oracle Notification service, see Notifications Overview.


The following prerequisite is required to receive events for databases and DB systems.

  • Telemetry must be enabled for databases and DB systems using the dbcli utility.

    For more information, see AHF Telemetry Commands.

Database Event Types

The following are the event types that the database in the DB system emits:

Table - Database Event Types

Friendly Name Event Type
Database - Automatic Backup Begin com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.automaticbackupdatabase.begin
Database - Automatic Backup End com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.automaticbackupdatabase.end
Database - Create Backup Begin com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.backupdatabase.begin
Database - Create Backup End com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.backupdatabase.end
Database - Critical com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.database.critical
Database - Delete Backup Begin com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.deletebackup.begin
Database - Delete Backup End com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.deletebackup.end
Database - Information com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.database.information
Database - Migrate to KMS Key Begin com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.migratedatabasekmskey.begin
Database - Migrate to KMS Key End com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.migratedatabasekmskey.end
Database - Move Begin com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.movedatabase.begin
Database - Move End com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.movedatabase.end
Database - Restore Begin com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.restoredatabase.begin
Database - Restore End com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.restoredatabase.end
Database - Rotate KMS Key Begin com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.rotatedatabasekmskey.begin
Database - Rotate KMS Key End com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.rotatedatabasekmskey.end
Database - Terminate Begin com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.database.terminate.begin
Database - Terminate End com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.database.terminate.end
Database - Update Begin com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.updatedatabase.begin
Database - Update End com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.updatedatabase.end
Database - Upgrade Begin com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.upgradedatabase.begin
Database - Upgrade End com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.upgradedatabase.end

Example - Database Example Event

This is a reference event for databases.

    "eventType" : "com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.backupdatabase.begin",
    "cloudEventsVersion" : "0.1",
    "eventTypeVersion" : "2.0",
    "source" : "DatabaseService",
    "eventTime" : "2020-01-08T17:31:43.666Z",
    "contentType" : "application/json",
    "data" : {
        "compartmentId" : "ocid1.compartment.oc1.<unique_ID>",
        "compartmentName": "example_compartment_name",
        "resourceName": "my_backup",
        "resourceId": "ocid1.dbbckup.oc1.<unique_ID>", 
        "availabilityDomain": "<availability_domain>",
        "additionalDetails" : {
            "timeCreated" : "2020-01-08T17:31:44Z", 
            "lifecycleState" : "CREATING", 
            "dbSystemId" : "ocid1.dbsystem.oc1.<unique_ID>", 
            "dbHomeId" : ocid1.dbhome.oc1.<unique_ID>", 
            "dbUniqueName" : DB1115_iad1dv", 
            "dbVersion" : "", 
            "databaseEdition" : "ENTERPRISE_EDITION_HIGH_PERFORMANCE", 
            "autoBackupsEnabled" : "false", 
            "backupType" : "FULL", 
            "databaseId" : "ocid1.database.oc1.<unique_ID>", 
        "definedTags" : {
            "My_example_tag_name" :  
                { "Example_key" : "Example_value" }
    "eventID": "<unique_ID>",
    "extensions" : {
        "compartmentId": "ocid1.compartment.oc1.<unique_ID>"

Database Information Event Details

The com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.database.information event delivers details about several types of information in the additionalDetails section of the database information event payload.

The following table lists the sub-types of the database information event.

Table - Database Information Event Details

EventName (in additionalDetails) Description
AVAILABILITY.DB_GUEST.CDB_INSTANCE.DOWN_CLEARED An event of type INFORMATION is created once it is determined that the event for the CDB down has cleared.
HEALTH.DB_CLUSTER.CDB.BACKUP_FAILURE_CLEARED An event of type INFORMATION is created once it is determined that the event for the backup failure has cleared.

Database Critical Event Details

The com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.database.critical event delivers details about several types of critical conditions and errors in the additionalDetails section of the Database critical event payload.

The following table lists the sub-types of the database critical event.

Table - Database Critical Event Details

EventName (in additionalDetails) Description
AVAILABILITY.DB_GUEST.CDB_INSTANCE.DOWN A DOWN event is created when a database instance goes down. The event is of type INFORMATION when a database instance is shutdown due to user action, such as with the SQL*Plus (sqlplus) or Server Control Utility (srvctl) commands, or any Oracle Cloud maintenance action that uses those commands, such as performing a database home software update. The event is of type CRITICAL when a database instance goes down unexpectedly. A corresponding DOWN_CLEARED event is created when a database instance is started.
HEALTH.DB_CLUSTER.CDB.ARCHIVER_HANG An event of type CRITICAL is created if a CDB is either unable to archive the active online redo log or unable to archive the active online redo log fast enough to the log archive destinations.
HEALTH.DB_CLUSTER.CDB.DATABASE_HANG An event of type CRITICAL is created when a process/session hang is detected in the CDB.
HEALTH.DB_CLUSTER.CDB.BACKUP_FAILURE An event of type CRITICAL is created if there is a CDB backup with a FAILED status reported in the v$rman_status view.
HEALTH.DB_CLUSTER.CDB.CORRUPTION Database corruption has been detected on your primary or standby database. The database alert.log is parsed for any specific errors that are indicative of physical block corruptions, logical block corruptions, or logical block corruptions caused by lost writes.

Example - Database Critical Example Event

The Database Critical, DB Node Critical, and DB System Critical events originate in the data plane and contain details about a critical condition in the additionalDetails section of the payload. See the preceding tables for details about these event subtypes.

The following is a reference "critical" data plane event for DB systems, DB system nodes, and databases.

    "eventType": "com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.database.critical", 
    "cloudEventsVersion": "0.1", 
    "eventTypeVersion": "2.0", 
    "source": "DataPlane", 
    "eventTime": "2020-11-10T19:52:15Z", 
    "contentType": "application/json", 
    "data": { 
        "compartmentId": "ocid1.compartment.oc1.<unique_ID>", 
        "compartmentName": "VMDBSI-Dev", 
        "resourceName": "DB0422_iad3x7", 
        "resourceId": "ocid1.database.oc1.iad.<unique_ID>", 
        "availabilityDomain": "zvXp:US-ASHBURN-AD-3", 
        "additionalDetails": { 
            "serviceType": "dbcs", 
            "hostName": "singlenodegi-sales", 
            "component": "cdb", 
            "instanceName": "db0422", 
            "dbName": "db0422_iad3x7", 
            "description": "Database : DB0422_iad3x7 Instance : DB0422, status is offline", 
            "dbSystemId": "ocid1.dbsystem.oc1.iad.<unique_ID>", 
            "status": "offline" 
    "eventID": "91653791-7aab-45dd-b57f-e2e9013acdb9", 
    extensions": { 
        "compartmentId": "ocid1.compartment.oc1.<unique_ID>" 

DB System Event Types

The following are the event types that the DB system emits.

Table - DB System Event Types

Friendly Name Event Type
DB System - Change Compartment Begin com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.changedbsystemcompartment.begin
DB System - Change Compartment End com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.changedbsystemcompartment.end
DB System - Create Begin com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.launchdbsystem.begin
DB System - Create End com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.launchdbsystem.end
DB System - Critical com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.dbsystem.critical
DB System - Information com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.dbsystem.information
DB System - Terminate Begin com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.terminatedbsystem.begin
DB System - Terminate End com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.terminatedbsystem.end
DB System - Update IORM Begin com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.updateiormconfig.begin
DB System - Update IORM End com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.updateiormconfig.end

Example - DB System Example Event

This is a reference event for DB systems.

    "cloudEventsVersion": "0.1",
    "contentType": "application/json",
    "data": {
        "additionalDetails": {
            "cpuCoreCount": 1,
            "dataStoragePercentage": 80,
            "dataStorageSizeInGBs": 256,
            "exadataIormConfig": "null",
            "licenseType": "LICENSE_INCLUDED",
            "lifecycleMessage": null,
            "lifecycleState": "PROVISIONING",
            "nsgIds": "null",
            "patchHistoryEntries": "null",
            "sshPublicKeys": "...",
            "version": null
        "availabilityDomain": "XXIT:US-ASHBURN-AD-1",
        "compartmentId": "ocid1.compartment.oc1.<unique_ID>",
        "compartmentName": "example_compartment_name",
        "resourceId": "ocid1.dbsystem.oc1.iad.<unique_ID>",
        "resourceName": "myDBsystem"
    "eventID": "0c1f15b1-4bf2-4f27-8a78-a48d446aeb6f",
    "eventTime": "2019-10-25T20:30:46.836Z",
    "eventType": "com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.launchdbsystem.begin",
    "eventTypeVersion": "2.0",
    "extensions": {
        "compartmentId": "ocid1.compartment.oc1.<unique_ID>"
    "source": "DatabaseService"

DB System Information Event Details

The com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.dbsystem.information event delivers details about information in the additionalDetails section of the information event payload.

The following table documents the sub-types of the DB system information event.

Table - DB System Information Event Details

EventName (in additionalDetails) Description
HEALTH.DB_CLUSTER.DISK_GROUP.FREE_SPACE An event of type INFORMATION is created when the ASM disk group space usage drops below 90%.

DB System Critical Event Details

The com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.dbsystem.critical event delivers details about critical conditions and errors in the additionalDetails section of the critical event payload.

The following table documents the sub-types of the DB system critical event.

Table - DB System Critical Event Details

EventName (in additionalDetails) Description
HEALTH.DB_CLUSTER.DISK_GROUP.FREE_SPACE An event of type CRITICAL is created when an ASM disk group reaches space usage of 90% or higher.

For a JSON example of a critical event, see Example -.

DB Node Event Types

The following table lists the event types that database nodes emit.

Table - DB Node Event Types

Friendly Name Event Type
DB Node - Update Begin com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.dbnodeaction.begin
DB Node - Update End com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.dbnodeaction.end
DB Node - Critical com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.dbnode.critical
DB Node - Information com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.dbnode.information

Example - DB System Node Example Event

This is a reference event for DB system nodes.

    "cloudEventsVersion": "0.1",
    "eventID": "<unique_ID>",
    "eventType": "com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.dbnodeaction.begin",
    "source": "databaseservice",
    "eventTypeVersion": "2.0",
    "eventTime": "2019-07-29T04:43:24Z",
    "contentType": "application/json",
    "extensions": {
        "compartmentId": "ocid1.compartment.oc1.<unique_ID>"
    "data": {
        "compartmentId": "ocid1.compartment.oc1.<unique_ID>",
        "compartmentName": "example_compartment",
        "resourceName": "",
        "resourceId": "ocid1.dbnode.oc1.phx.<unique_ID>",
        "availabilityDomain": "TGjA:PHX-AD-2",
        "freeFormTags": null,
        "definedTags": null,
        "additionalDetails": {
            "cpuCoreCount": null,
            "lifecycleState": "STARTING",
            "dataStorageSizeInTBs": null,
            "timeCreated": "2019-06-13T04:31:05.190Z",
            "timeUpdated": "2019-07-29T04:43:06.455Z",
            "hostName": "ora18c",
            "lifecycleDetails": null,
            "dbSystemId": "ocid1.dbsystem.oc1.phx.<unique_ID>",
            "dbHostId": "DbHost-<unique_ID>",
            "nodeNumber": null

DB Node Information Event Details

The com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.dbnode.information event delivers details about several types of information in the additionalDetails section of the DB node information event payload.

The following table documents the sub-types of the DB node information event.

Table - DB Node Information Event Details

EventName (in additionalDetails) Description
AVAILABILITY.DB_CLUSTER.SCAN_LISTENER.DOWN_CLEARED An event of type INFORMATION is created once it is determined that the event for SCAN Listener down has cleared.
AVAILABILITY.DB_GUEST.CLIENT_LISTENER.DOWN_CLEARED An event of type INFORMATION is created once it is determined that the event for Client Listener down has cleared.
AVAILABILITY.DB_GUEST.CRS_INSTANCE.DOWN_CLEARED An event of type INFORMATION is created once it is determined that the event for CRS down has cleared.
HEALTH.DB_GUEST.FILESYSTEM.FREE_SPACE An event of type INFORMATION is created once the VM guest file system free space increases above 10%.

DB Node Critical Event Details

The com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.dbnode.critical event delivers details about several types of critical conditions in the additionalDetails section of the DB node critical event payload.

The following table documents the sub-types of the DB node critical event.

Table - DB Node Critical Event Details

EventName (in additionalDetails) Description

A DOWN event is created when a SCAN listener goes down. The event is of type INFORMATION when a SCAN listener is shutdown due to user action, such as with the Server Control Utility (srvctl) or Listener Control (lsnrctl) commands, or any Oracle Cloud maintenance action that uses those commands, such as performing a grid infrastructure software update. The event is of type CRITICAL when a SCAN listener goes down unexpectedly. A corresponding DOWN_CLEARED event is created when a SCAN listener is started.

There are three SCAN listeners per cluster called LISTENER_SCAN[1,2,3].


A DOWN event is created when a client listener goes down. The event is of type INFORMATION when a client listener is shutdown due to user action, such as with the Server Control Utility (srvctl) or Listener Control (lsnrctl) commands, or any Oracle Cloud maintenance action that uses those commands, such as performing a grid infrastructure software update. The event is of type CRITICAL when a client listener goes down unexpectedly. A corresponding DOWN_CLEARED event is created when a client listener is started.

There is one client listener per node, each called LISTENER.

AVAILABILITY.DB_GUEST.CRS_INSTANCE.DOWN An event of type CRITICAL is created when the Cluster Ready Service (CRS) is detected to be down.
AVAILABILITY.DB_GUEST.CRS_INSTANCE.EVICTION An event of type CRITICAL is created when the Cluster Ready Service (CRS) evicts a node from the cluster.
HEALTH.DB_GUEST.FILESYSTEM.FREE_SPACE This event is reported when VM guest file system free space falls below 10% free, as determined by the operating system df(1) command, for the following file systems:
  • /
  • /u01
  • /u02
  • /var
  • /tmp

For a JSON example of a critical event, see Example -.

Oracle Database Home Event Types

The following table lists the event types that Oracle Database Homes emit.

Table - Oracle Database Home Event Types

Friendly Name Event Type
DB Home - Create Begin com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.createdbhome.begin
DB Home - Create End com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.createdbhome.end
DB Home - Patch Begin com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.patchdbhome.begin
DB Home - Patch End com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.patchdbhome.end
DB Home - Terminate Begin com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.deletedbhome.begin
DB Home - Terminate End com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.deletedbhome.end
DB Home - Update Begin com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.updatedbhome.begin
DB Home - Update End com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.updatedbhome.end

Example - Oracle Database Home Example Event

This is a reference event for Database Homes.

    "cloudEventsVersion": "0.1",
    "eventID": "60600c06-d6a7-4e85-b56a-1de3e6042f57",
    "eventType": "com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.createdbhome.begin",
    "source": "databaseservice",
    "eventTypeVersion": "2.0",
    "eventTime": "2019-08-29T21:16:04Z",
    "contentType": "application/json",
    "extensions": {
        "compartmentId": "ocid1.compartment.oc1.<unique_ID>"
    "data": {
        "compartmentId": "ocid1.compartment.oc1.<unique_ID>",
        "compartmentName": "example_compartment",
        "resourceName": "my_dbhome",
        "resourceId": "DbHome-unique_ID",
        "availabilityDomain": "all",
        "freeFormTags": {},
        "definedTags": {},
        "additionalDetails": {
            "id": "ocid1.id.oc1.<unique_ID>",
            "lifecycleState": "PROVISIONING",
            "timeCreated": "2019-08-29T12:00:00.000Z",
            "timeUpdated": "2019-08-29T12:30:00.000Z",
            "lifecycleDetails": "detail message",
            "dbSystemId": "DbSystem-unique_ID",
            "dbVersion": "",
            "recordVersion": 4,
            "displayName": "example_display_name"

Pluggable Database Event Types

The following table lists the event types that pluggable databases emit.

Table - Pluggable Database Event Types

Friendly Name Event Type
Pluggable Database - Create Begin com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.createpluggabledatabase.begin
Pluggable Database - Create End com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.createpluggabledatabase.end
Pluggable Database - Delete Begin com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.deletepluggabledatabase.begin
Pluggable Database - Delete End com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.deletepluggabledatabase.end
Pluggable Database - Local Clone Begin com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.localclonepluggabledatabase.begin
Pluggable Database - Local Clone End com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.localclonepluggabledatabase.end
Pluggable Database - Remote Clone Begin com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.remoteclonepluggabledatabase.begin
Pluggable Database - Remote Clone End com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.remoteclonepluggabledatabase.end
Start Pluggable Database - Begin com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.startpluggabledatabase.begin
Start Pluggable Database - End com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.startpluggabledatabase.end
Stop Pluggable Database - Begin com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.stoppluggabledatabase.begin
Stop Pluggable Database - End com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.stoppluggabledatabase.end

Example - Pluggable Database Example Event

This is a reference event for pluggable databases (PDBs).

    "eventID": "unique_id",
    "eventTime": "2021-03-23T00:49:14.123Z",
    "extensions": {
        "compartmentId": "ocid1.compartment.oc1.<unique_ID>"
    "eventType": "com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.remoteclonepluggabledatabase.begin",
    "eventTypeVersion": "2.0",
    "cloudEventsVersion": "0.1",
    "source": "databaseservice",
    "contentType": "application/json",
    "definedTags": {},
    "data": {
        "compartmentId": "ocid1.compartment.oc1.<unique_ID>",
        "compartmentName": "MyCompartment",
        "resourceName": "11092020_PKS_PDB1",
        "resourceId": "ocid1.pluggabledatabases.oc1.phx.<unique_ID>",
        "availabilityDomain": "XXIT:PHX-AD-1",
        "freeFormTags": {},
        "definedTags": {},
        "additionalDetails": {
            "id": "ocid1.pluggabledatabases.oc1.phx.<unique_ID>",
            "timeCreated": "2021-03-13T21:15:59.000Z",
            "timeUpdated": "2021-03-13T21:15:59.000Z",
            "databaseId": "ocid1.database.oc1.<unique_ID>",
            "lifecycleState": "AVAILABLE",
            "lifecycleDetails": "Pluggable Database is available",
            "displayName": "Pluggable Database - Remote Clone Begin"

Data Guard Association Event Types

The following table lists the event types that Data Guard associations emit.

Table - Data Guard Association Event Types

Friendly Name Event Type
Change Protection Mode Begin com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.changeprotectionmode.begin
Change Protection Mode End com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.changeprotectionmode.end
Data Guard Association - Create Begin com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.createdataguardassociation.begin
Data Guard Association - Create End com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.createdataguardassociation.end
Data Guard Association - Failover Begin com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.failoverdataguardassociation.begin
Data Guard Association - Failover End com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.failoverdataguardassociation.end
Data Guard Association - Reinstate Begin com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.reinstatedataguardassociation.begin
Data Guard Association - Reinstate End com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.reinstatedataguardassociation.end
Data Guard Association - Switchover Begin com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.switchoverdataguardassociation.begin
Data Guard Association - Switchover End com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.switchoverdataguardassociation.end

Example - Data Guard Association example event

This is a reference event for Data Guard associations.

    "cloudEventsVersion": "0.1",
    "contentType": "application/json",
    "data": {
        "additionalDetails": {
            "ApplyLag": null,
            "DGConfigId": "7e8eff2b-a4cd-474a-abd5-940b05c0b1fd",
            "DGConfigState": "null",
            "DatabaseId": "ocid1.database.oc1.iad.<unique_ID>",
            "DbHomeId": "ocid1.dbhome.oc1.iad.<unique_ID>",
            "DbSystemId": "ocid1.dbsystem.oc1.iad.<unique_ID>",
            "LastSyncedTime": null,
            "SyncState": "null",
            "dcsDgUpdateTimestamp": null,
            "lastUpdatedIdentifier": null,
            "lifeCycleMessage": null,
            "lifecycleState": "PROVISIONING",
            "timeCreated": "2019-10-25T21:42:19.041Z",
            "timeUpdated": "2019-10-25T21:42:19.041Z"
        "availabilityDomain": "XXIT:US-ASHBURN-AD-1",
        "compartmentId": "ocid1.compartment.oc1.<unique_ID>",
        "compartmentName": "example_compartment",
        "resourceId": "ocid1.dgassociation.oc1.iad.<unique_ID>"
    "eventID": "5b8b7fbf-2e9a-4730-9761-e52715b7bc79",
    "eventTime": "2019-10-25T21:42:16.579Z",
    "eventType": "com.oraclecloud.databaseservice.createdataguardassociation.begin",
    "eventTypeVersion": "2.0",
    "extensions": {
        "compartmentId": "ocid1.compartment.oc1.<unique_ID>"
    "source": "DatabaseService"