Typical Organization Roles

When you create users, you’ll give them the application roles needed to perform their tasks in Oracle Content Management. These users will typically fall into one of the following organization roles (or user types) and will require the listed application roles.

You can create groups for your organization roles and assign the listed application roles to those groups. Then you can add users to those groups to automatically assign them the appropriate application roles.

Organization Role Application Roles Needed
Anonymous User

Anonymous users don't work for your company and don't exist in your Oracle Cloud identity domain or your directory. They are consumers engaging with your company through your public website, mobile site, or other digital experiences to learn about your company offerings, download documents, or make a purchase.

They can visit public sites, but can't access secure sites. They can also access content via public links and interact based on the role assigned to the public link.

Anonymous users can't access any Oracle Content Management interfaces (web client, desktop client, mobile apps).

  • Anonymous users don’t need a user account or any application roles.

Visitors probably don't work for your company, but they exist in your Oracle Cloud identity domain or your directory. Like anonymous users, they are consumers engaging with your website, mobile site, or other digital experiences to learn about your company offerings, download documents, or make a purchase, but they can also interact with specified secure sites and sign in to services that your company provides.

They can visit public sites, and, unlike anonymous users, they can visit any secure sites to which they've been given access. They can also access content via public links and interact based on the role assigned to the public link.

Visitors can share and collaborate on files exposed via components on a site they have access to, but they don't have access to any Oracle Content Management interfaces (web client, desktop client, mobile apps), and you can't share folders or conversations with them.

  • Sites Visitor
External User

External users may be people outside of your organization that can collaborate on objects to which they're given access, but they can't be assigned the manager role. This safely limits their ability to create and remove content, similar to how visitors can sign in and use specified secure sites. This allows you to work with outside contributors such as translators and partners.

External users have limited access to the Oracle Content Management web client, but they can't use the desktop client or mobile apps.

  • Standard External User

Employees obviously work for your company and exist in your Oracle Cloud identity domain or your directory. They share documents with colleagues and view documents shared with them. They collaborate through shared conversations. They can create team sites or partner sites from prebuilt standard templates.

Employees can visit public and secure sites to which they have access. They can collaborate on all content types as members and via public links. They can access any Oracle Content Management interfaces (web client, desktop client, mobile apps).

  • Standard User
Content Contributor

Content contributors work for your company and exist in your Oracle Cloud identity domain or your directory. They write articles that will be published to your sites, possibly about one of your products or a certain area of your business. These articles (in the form of content items) include images, videos, and other digital assets that make it easy for your customers to understand product features and specs. Content contributors also share and collaborate like an employee. A content contributor is a user with a contributor role within at least one repository.

  • Enterprise User
Content Administrator/Content Translator

Content administrators are responsible for the quality of content related to a product. They review submitted content, ensuring it’s valid and accurate, and then publish this content. They can also create new content types and taxonomies as needed for your sites.

Content translators also administer content. They submit content to the translation vendor, proofread returned content, and sometimes translate articles manually.

Content administrators also share and collaborate like an employee.

  • Content Administrator
  • Enterprise User
Repository Administrator

Repository administrators organize content authoring and publishing, which requires setting up asset repositories, managing content editors’ roles and permissions, viewing content metrics, and configuring content workflows, publishing channels, and localization policies that your company uses to deliver experiences. They interact with back-end developers to define data or content integration requirements. They also share and collaborate like an employee. A repository administrator is a user with a Manager role within at least one repository.

  • Repository Administrator
  • Enterprise User
Site Administrator

You can limit site, template, and component creation to only site administrators. Site administrators create and manage standard and enterprise sites. They might ask the system administrator to install the default site templates; ask a developer to create custom components, themes, or templates for new sites; or ask a content architect to create new content types for content items that will be used on sites. They also share and collaborate like an employee.

  • Site Administrator
  • Enterprise User

Developers develop and configure custom components, corporate themes, and standard templates that colleagues can use for creating team sites or partner sites. They configure integrations between Oracle Content Management and other services. They also share and collaborate like an employee.

A developer with the Enterprise User role can also create enterprise templates.

  • Developer
  • Enterprise User
Content Capture Administrator

Content Capture administrators design and customize content capture workflows, or procedures, which are used to process physical and electronic documents in bulk for various business scenarios.

Procedure managers are typically assigned both the manager and application roles, so they can configure procedures and test them in the client.

  • Capture Administrator
  • Capture Client User
  • Standard User
Content Capture Client User

Content Capture client users scan or import documents into Oracle Content Management.

  • Capture Client User
Content Applications Administrator

Content applications administrators manage content apps to discover and deploy web applications that run in the context of Oracle Content Management (using it as the content management system).

  • Service Administrator
  • Enterprise User

Depending on the type of app you're working with, you may also need to have the content administrator and/or site administrator roles; for example, to create repositories, publishing channels, and such.

Service Administrator

Service administrators configure and manage your Oracle Content Management service. They can integrate Oracle Content Management with other business services and access operational analytics to monitor key usage metrics for the service.

  • Service Administrator
  • Standard or Enterprise User

There are additional users involved in running Oracle Content Management, such as the Integration User, but that is an internal user, not an actual person. You’ll also have a cloud account administrator, but this user is automatically created when you sign up for Oracle Cloud. See Application Roles in an Oracle Content Management Instance with a Non-Metered Subscription.