About Commit Processing

The content capture feature enables you to commit your documents and assets into Oracle Content Management. On the Commit tab, you create commit profiles in which you configure the Oracle Content Management commit driver settings. You can also restrict commit operations to a document profile so that users can check in only those documents to the repository that meet the criteria specified in the document profile.


Whenever you commit or check in a file to Oracle Content Management, a new version of your file is created in the repository. If you would prefer the file names to be unique when you commit the files, use options available on the Document File Naming tab of the commit profile.

About Documents Folder, Asset Repository, and Business Repository Commit Drivers

If your content needs to be committed as documents in Oracle Content Management, then you can make use of the Documents Folder commit driver. But, if your content needs to be checked in as assets of various types--asset types that are supported in Oracle Content Management and configured for your repository--use the Asset Repository driver instead. You can use this driver if the digital asset type is configured in your Oracle Content Management repository. So, your repository must include digital asset types while content types are optional. However, if you want to only store your content assets, without having them considered for localization, publishing, and delivery, then choose the Business Repository driver.

Here is what digital asset types and content types mean in Oracle Content Management:

Digital Asset Types: Oracle Content Management includes several out-of-the-box digital asset types: file, image, and video. For example, an image might include EXIF information from the camera (date, time, location, resolution, and such), system settings (asset creation date, last updated, status, version, and such), and custom metadata. You might want to collect copyright, permitted use, and contact information for each of your images. Digital assets are used in different ways, in different contexts: websites, marketing materials, email campaigns, online stores, blogs. Digital assets are mostly used for content modeling and publishing—as such, they differ from "regular" documents, which are intended more for content collaboration, sharing, and syncing.

Content Types: A content type is a framework used for specifying what information is included in a content item. Content types can also have layouts associated with them, which determine how they appear and what information is used in that particular layout. For example, you may only want a subset of information to appear on an employee contact list, but you might want an employee picture, location, and job title appear in another location on your website. When you create a content item using a content type, you can preview how it will look with different layouts.

About Image and Non-Image Documents

Image Document Output Formats

  • Image files can either be preserved or can be converted to TIFF or PDF formats.

  • Images files that are not preserved are committed to Oracle Content Management in their new formats.

  • All non-image files and preserved images are committed to the repository as they are.

Committing of Non-Image Documents

Non-image documents are files such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, PDF, or EML documents. You can configure your commit profile to retain the native formats of non-image files. On commit, non-image documents are processed differently than image documents:

  • Non-image documents remain in their native format and are not converted to TIFF or PDF format.

  • Once non-image documents have been successfully committed by all online and applicable commit profiles, they are deleted from the procedure just like image documents.

About Applying Commit Profiles During Commit Processing

Batches arriving at commit processing are ready to undergo processing by one or more commit profiles defined for the procedure. A batch may be uniform (for example, consisting of all image documents that use the same document profile) or varied (for example, consisting of image and non-image documents assigned different document profiles). Regardless, batch committing follows this general process:

  1. For a batch to reach commit, the commit processor must be selected as a post-processing step in the client profile or processor job.

  2. All commit profiles defined for the procedure are run on the batch, subject to the following rules:

    1. Commit profiles run one at a time, following the order you've specified on the Commit tab of your procedure.

    2. Commit profiles must be Online. Changing a profile to Offline deactivates its use in commit processing for the procedure.

    3. A commit profile skips processing any documents whose assigned document profile does not match the document profiles assigned to the commit profile. See Restrict a Commit Profile Based on Document Profile.

    4. As Content Capture processes each document, it verifies that required metadata fields are complete. An error occurs for a document if required fields do not contain values.

    5. If an error is encountered, commit processing may skip the document, skip the commit profile, or cancel commit processing.

  3. Content Capture commits documents in the batch.

    1. Content Capture continues to commit all the documents within the batch, repeating this process until all commit profiles have been executed or an error occurs which causes the entire commit process to be canceled.

    2. When there are no remaining documents in the batch, Content Capture deletes the batch.

      If a document fails to be committed, it remains in the batch and an error is generated.

  4. When a document has been successfully committed by all applicable commit profiles, Content Capture removes the document's files and associated metadata from the batch.

About Commit Error Handling

Use a commit profile's error handling options to specify what happens when errors are encountered during batch committing. If an error is encountered, you can:

  • Skip to the next document

    This option skips committing the current document and begins committing the next document in the batch.

  • Skip to the next commit profile

    This option stops the current commit profile from executing and begins processing the next commit profile (if specified).

  • Cancel the commit

    This option stops the entire commit process, including any other commit profiles, from executing.

During commit, a record is maintained that indicates if a document/attachment has been successfully committed with a commit profile. When a document/attachment is about to be committed by a commit profile, a check is performed to see if the document/attachment has already been successfully committed. If it has, the document/attachment will not be reattempted.

Regardless of error settings, all documents in which an error is encountered remain in the batch until the error is resolved and they are successfully committed.

About Documents Remaining After Commit

If uncommitted documents remain in a batch after all commit profiles have been executed, the batch lock is cleared and the batch is put in a ready state so that it can be opened in the Content Capture Client.