Add or Edit a Commit Profile

To add or edit a commit profile:
  1. In the procedures pane on the left, select your procedure.

    The configuration pages for the selected procedure are displayed on the right.

  2. Open the Commit tab.

  3. In the Commit Profiles table, click Add a commit profile or select a commit profile and click Edit a commit profile.

    You can also copy a commit profile by selecting it, clicking Copy commit profile, and entering a new name when prompted. Copying a commit profile allows you to quickly duplicate and modify it.

  4. Complete settings on the General Settings page.

    1. Enter a name in the Commit Profile Name field.

    2. Ensure that the Online field is selected. When online, the commit profile is executed whenever a batch for the procedure is processed by the commit processor.

    3. In the Destination field, select Documents Folder, Asset Repository, or Business Repository.
      • If your content needs to be committed as documents in Oracle Content Management, then you can select Documents Folder.
      • If your content needs to be checked in as assets of various types that are supported in Oracle Content Management and configured for your repository, select Asset Repository.
      • To only store your content assets, without having them considered for localization, publishing, and delivery, select Business Repository.
    4. In the Error Handling Policy field, specify what happens if an error is encountered in one or more documents in the batch being committed. See Commit Error Handling in About Commit Processing.

    5. In the Restrict Commit to Document Profiles field, select one or more document profiles to restrict the commit profile to only documents assigned those document profiles. See Restrict a Commit Profile Based on Document Profile.


      This field is available only for the Documents Folder destination.
    6. Select the default date format and the default locale.

    7. In the Restricted Field Value Handling section, choose the next action if a folder or asset name is assigned a value containing invalid characters:
      • Remove invalid characters: These characters are considered invalid if used in the names of documents, folders, and assets:
        • Documents and folders: / \ * " < > | ? :
        • Assets: ; " : ? < > % { } \ / * |
      • Cancel commit: Cancel the commit process.
  5. On the Commit Driver Settings page, complete driver-specific settings. See Configure Documents Folder Commit Driver Settings.

  6. On the Post-Processing page, enter email address to which system errors should be reported.
  7. On the Summary page, review the commit profile settings that you configured on the previous tabs.
  8. Click Submit to save the commit profile.

  9. Configure how batches flow to commit processing. See Configure Batch Flow to the Commit Processor.

  10. Activate the commit profile and specify execution order.

    All the online commit profiles are processed in the order in which they are listed on the Commit tab. See Activate and Order Commit Profiles.

  11. Test the commit profile by committing a batch (for example, from the client). Search for and view the document in the repository or location specified in the commit profile.