Configure Documents Folder Commit Driver Settings

To configure Documents Folder commit driver settings:

  1. Create a commit profile.

  2. On the General Settings page, select Documents Folder in the Destination field.

  3. Select the Commit Driver Settings page.

  4. On the Document Folder tab, specify where to commit the documents:

    • In the Parent Folder section, click Select Folder... to display the Select Parent Folder dialog. In the Select Parent Folder section, if there is no parent folder specified for the commit profile, the user's home folder is displayed; otherwise, the selected parent folder is displayed. Select a folder to which to commit all the documents and click OK. The name of the selected parent folder is displayed in the Name field and the corresponding unique ID of the parent folder is displayed in the ID field. Optionally, click Clear Folder to clear the current selection and select a new Oracle Content Management folder.

    • Optionally, in the Subfolder Creation section, select Create Subfolders using Field values option to store document files in subfolders created dynamically within the parent folder and named using metadata field values. From the Available Fields list, select metadata fields to include and move them to the Selected Fields list. Each metadata field represents a subfolder and the order of the metadata fields represents the subfolder hierarchy.

      In the If folder name consists of invalid characters field, specify how Content Capture should handle any invalid characters found in a subfolder name by selecting either Remove invalid characters option or Cancel document commit option.


    • When creating subfolders in Oracle Content Management, detection of existing folder names is case-insensitive.

    • If a metadata field value used for creating a subfolder is blank, and there are subsequent non-blank subfolders, the document commit is aborted with an error message indicating that the subfolder path is invalid.

    • If a metadata field value used for creating a subfolder is blank and there are no subsequent non-blank subfolders, the document is stored in the parent folder of the first blank subfolder.

      See the following examples:

      If metadata fields, CustName=”Corp 1”,CorrespondenceType=”AP”,OrderNumber=NULL, then the document is stored in <Parent Folder>\Corp 1\AP.

      If metadata fields, CustName=”Corp 1”,CorrespondenceType=NULL,OrderNumber=NULL, then the document is stored in <Parent Folder>\Corp 1.

      If metadata fields, CustName=NULL,CorrespondenceType=NULL,OrderNumber=NULL, then the document is stored in <Parent Folder>\.

  5. On the Document File Naming tab, specify how document files and document attachment files should be named.

    • Optionally, select Use original file name for non-image files field to name non-image files using their original file names.

    • Optionally, select the Name document file based on Metadata field values field to name the file based on one or more selected metadata field values. If this field is not selected, Content Capture names the files using the default naming scheme that includes the internal batch ID, an underscore, and a numeric identifier. From the Available Fields list, select metadata fields to include and move them to the Selected Fields list.

    • Order the metadata fields in the Selected Fields list. The order of the fields affects the naming of the document file.

    • In the Field Delimiter field, specify the field delimiter to use between metadata field values.

    • In the If File Name Consists of Invalid Characters field, specify how Content Capture should handle any invalid characters found in document file names by selecting either Remove invalid characters option or Cancel document commit option.

  6. On the Metadata tab, from the Documents Metadata Collection drop-down list, choose a collection. Then, map Capture fields to Metadata Collection fields, making sure that the data type of mapped fields match. Select a Metadata Collection field and click Edit field, then select a Capture field to map to. Repeat this step to map additional fields.

  7. On the Options tab, in the Document Attachment Options field, optionally, specify whether and how to include document attachments:

    • Select the Exclude attachments option if you want to exclude attachments from documents when committing documents to Oracle Content Management.

    • Select the Include in sub-folders per attachment type option to include attachments in subfolders based on attachment type when committing documents to Oracle Content Management.


      For each attachment, a subfolder is created in the primary document’s Oracle Content Management folder (if the subfolder does not already exist). The subfolder is named using the attachment type name of the document attachment. If the attachment does not have an attachment type name, the subfolder is named as Attachments.