Configure Asset or Business Repository Commit Driver Settings

In a content repository, your content assets become part of the workflow to which they belong and are processed accordingly. For information about how various types of assets are created and managed in Oracle Content Management, see Manage Asset Types in Managing Assets with Oracle Content Management. For instance, an Invoice content type can be processed through an automated workflow that first checks if the invoice meets the ‘Account Payable’ criteria and routes the invoice for the next action, which could be the rejection or approval of the invoice, followed by a request for correction or payment.

To configure asset repository or business repository commit driver settings:

  1. Create a commit profile.

  2. On the General Settings page, in the Destination field, select one of the followings:
    • If you want to commit your content as assets, choose Asset Repository as the destination.
    • If you want to only store your content assets, without having them considered for localization, publishing, and delivery, then choose Business Repository as the destination.
  3. On the Commit Driver Settings page, you select a repository and content types, as well as map assets to the content types for the repository. On the Repository tab:

    1. From the Repository drop-down list, select the repository to which your content assets should be committed. Your selection should align with the type of repository you chose in the previous step. Make sure you select a repository that includes one or more digital asset types.
    2. Select the Not Ready for Use Assets check box if you would like to create assets whose mandatory metadata is not yet configured in Oracle Content Management. When this option is enabled, you can map any mandatory/required field on the Assets tab via the Asset Mapping dialog for commit processing.

      Once you complete the required fields in Oracle Content Management, the status of these assets changes from Not Ready to Draft.


      The Not Ready for Use Assets check box is available only for those repositories that are configured to support the creation of assets whose mandatory metadata is not yet ready but can be managed later in Oracle Content Management.
    3. You can skip this step if you don't want to create a parent content item with mapped fields in your content repository. But, if you select a parent content type, the Parent Content Item tab is enabled for metadata mapping. From the Parent Content Type drop-down list, select the type that represents the content assets you will be committing.
  4. On the Assets tab, you can map assets to custom digital asset type, auto asset type, and any other types available to you and give them names as well.

    1. To map assets with asset types, click Add asset type mapping on the top-right side of the Document and Attachment Mapping to Asset Types table.

      The Add Asset Type Mapping dialog is displayed.

    2. From the Capture Object drop-down list, select the asset to which you want to assign a type.
    3. From the Asset Type drop-down list, select a suitable type available to you.


      If you created two separate document profiles (or document types) on the Classification tab, in the Capture Object type, you can select from specific document profiles or more generic document which implies any document profile. If no attachment types are defined, you can also pick a destination for attachments separately. The All option implies that all document and attachment types flow to this asset type. In this case the Auto Asset Type option means the best default (File, Image, Video) system-provided asset type. To associate specific asset types, you must delete the All option and add one for each document profile.
    4. In the Asset Action drop-down list:
      1. Select a suitable option from the available choices: Always create (default), find by search, else create, and find by reference, else create.
      2. In the Confirmation dialog, click OK.
      3. If you selected find by search, else create:
        • In the Search Criteria table below Asset Action, map asset fields with respective capture fields, as required. To do this, click Add search mappings . Then in the Search Mapping dialog, perform the mapping by selecting the desired options in the Asset Field and Capture Field drop-down lists.


          The fields you select in the Search Criteria table are used for exact match. If any field is of the multi-value type, then the contains operation will be performed.
        • In the When more than one asset is found section, select one of the following options:
          • Version most recent: Versions the most recently created (or updated) asset from the list.
          • Create new: Creates a new asset.
          • Fail commit: Generates an error and leaves the asset in the batch for the Content Capture Client.
      4. If you selected, find by reference, else create in the Asset Action drop-down list, Capture Field is displayed below Asset Action. Select the required Digital Asset Reference from the drop-down list.
      5. If you selected, find by search, else create or find by reference, else create in the Asset Action drop-down list, the found assets are updated in the Document and Attachment Mapping to Asset Types table. But if no assets are found during the search, the new assets are created.
    5. The Asset Type Field Mapping dialog provides options to map capture metadata fields to asset attributes. For example, you can map a date capture value to date asset fields, a float capture value to float asset fields, multiple-value capture fields to string asset fields. You can also map asset and item reference fields if parent content items are enabled. To map a field, select it and click Edit asset on the top-right side of the table. Then, in the Asset Type Field Mapping dialog, select from the available fields and click OK.


      • References between assets cannot be made at the moment of asset creation because the creation of assets is a serial sequence and thus some of the referenceable assets may not have been created yet. To solve this, the asset references are set after all of the assets have been created. Each asset with a reference is subsequently updated.
      • Asset type fields of Text or Large Text can be mapped to compound values of capture metadata. The edit icon opens a different dialog that looks the same as the asset naming dialog. In this dialog, you can select multiple capture metadata fields delimited by some character(s).

      Repeat these steps for each asset.

    6. In the Category Assignments section, taxonomies that you configured on the Metadata tab are available for selection. Select the taxonomies that would be assigned to the created asset via the reference values that have been stored. If you didn't configure any category reference fields, this section is not displayed.

      In the Document and Attachment Mapping to Asset Types table, for each selected capture object, the asset type and corresponding asset action are displayed.

  5. The Parent Content Item tab is only enabled if you selected a parent content type on the Repository tab of the Commit Driver Settings page. On this tab, you can map capture metadata fields of the documents, which you’ll be committing to an asset repository, to parent content type fields.

    On the Commit Driver Settings page, on the Parent Content Item tab:

    1. In the Item Action drop-down list:
      1. Select a suitable option from the available choices: Always create (default), find by search, else create, and find by reference, else create.
      2. In the Confirmation dialog, click OK.
      3. If you selected find by search, else create, the Search Criteria table is displayed below Item Action.
        • Map asset fields with respective capture fields, as required. To do this, click Add search mappings . Then in the Search Mapping dialog, perform the mapping by selecting the desired options in the Asset Field and Capture Field drop-down lists.


          The fields you select in the Search Criteria table are used for exact match. If any field is of the multi-value type, then the contains operation will be performed.
        • In the When more than one content item is found section, choose one of the following options:
          • Use most recent: Selects the most recently created (or updated) content item from the list.
          • Create new: Creates a new content item.
          • Fail commit: Generates an error and leaves the document in the batch for the Content Capture Client.
      4. If you selected, find by reference, else create in the Item Action drop-down list, Capture Field is displayed below Item Action. Select the required Content Item reference from the drop-down list.
      5. If you selected, find by search, else create or find by reference, else create in the Item Action drop-down list, the found assets are updated in the Parent Content Type table. But if no assets are found during the search, the new content items are created.
    2. In the Parent Content Type table, select a parent content type field and click Edit asset.


      Parent content type fields of Text or Large Text can be mapped to compound values of capture metadata. The edit icon opens a different dialog that looks the same as the asset naming dialog. In this dialog, you can select multiple capture metadata fields delimited by some character(s).
    3. Make required selections in the edit mapping dialog and click OK.

      The changes are displayed in the Capture Source column in the Content Type Field Mappings table.

    4. In the Category Assignments section, taxonomies that you configured on the Metadata tab are available for selection. Select the taxonomies that would be assigned to the created content item via the reference values that have been stored. If you didn't configure any category reference fields, this section is not displayed.
  6. Click Submit.

    Your commit driver is configured.