Configure the WebCenter Forms Recognition Agent

Before you configure the WFR agent, make sure you have created an IDCS application for the agent or an IAM application if your IDCS stripes have been migrated to IAM identity domains.
To configure the WFR agent:
  1. Log in to the WFR agent interface at http://localhost:8888 using the default user name, extproc and password, p@ssw0rd1.
  2. Click Settings on the top right.
  3. In Settings drop-down list, select General.
  4. In the Agent Configuration section, configure all the properties based on the information provided in the following tables:

    Table -1 General Properties

    Property Name Description
    Stage Directory Configures the file system location in which the WFR agent stores the documents received from Content Capture before the WFR import job is performed. The WFR agent cleans up this file system location periodically. This property is enabled during an initial configuration only.
    Purge Completed Requests in Days Indicates after how many days of a successful job, the document’s data should be purged from the WFR agent database. The default value is 1 day. The value can range is 1 to 5 days. This property is enabled during an initial configuration and also for successive updates.
    Logger Level Configures the tracing level for WFR agent log file. By default the level is set to INFO. This is a drop-down field with values: TRACE, INFO and ERROR. This property is enabled during an initial configuration and also for successive updates.

    Table -2 Database Connection Properties

    Property Name Description
    URL Configures the WFR agent database connection string. This property is enabled during an initial configuration only.
    User Configures the user name for successfully establishing a connection with the database. This property is enabled during an initial configuration only.
    Password Configures the password for the database user to successfully establish a connection with the database. This property is enabled during an initial configuration only.
    Database Type Configure the corresponding database type for successfully establishing a connection with the database. This is a drop-down list, which is enabled during an initial configuration only.

    Table -3 Agent's Administrative User

    Property Name Description
    User Configures the user name for accessing the WFR agent configuration user interface. The default user name is extproc. This property is enabled during an initial configuration only.
    Password Configures the user password for accessing the WFR agent configuration user interface. This property is enabled during an initial configuration only.

    Table -4 WebCenter Forms Recognition Connection Properties

    URL Configures the WFR API REST end-point connection URL. This property is enabled during the initial configuration only.
    User Configures the user name for client applications to successfully establish a connection with WFR APIs. This property is enabled during the initial configuration only.
    Password Configures the user password for client applications to successfully establish a connection and invoke the WFR APIs. This property is enabled during the initial configuration only.

    Table -5 SSL Properties

    Property Description
    SSL Enabled Toggle SSL enable/disable. The default value is false.
    SSL Port Port configured for SSL. It is a read-only property, and the default value is 443.
    Protocol SSL protocol is a read-only property, and the default value is TLS.
    Key Alias Alias for the certificate that identifies the key in the key store.
    Key Password Password for the certificate. It is used to access the key in the key store.
    Key Store File Path to the key store that holds the SSL certificate (such as cacerts).
    Key Store Type Type of the key store. Supported values are pkcs12 and jks.
    Key Store Password Password to access the key store.
    Key Provider Provider for the key store, for example, SUN.
  5. After completing the agent configuration, in the Settings drop-down list, select Integrations.
  6. In the Integration Selection section, click Add an WFR integration to display the Integration Configuration section in which you will add property values. To edit existing properties, click Edit a WFR integration.
  7. Add capture procedure connection properties based on the information provided in the following tables:

    Table -6 General Settings

    Property Name Description
    Integration Name Configures the integration name of your procedure so it's easily identifiable. This property is enabled during an initial configuration and also for successive updates.
    Operation Mode Configures the ingestion of documents in the WFR agent. The PULL method enables the WFR agent to pull the queued documents from Content Capture for processing. This property is enabled during an initial configuration only.

    Table -7 Content Capture Connection Properties

    Property Name Description
    Procedure Step ID Configures the capture procedure step Id. This is the value you copied in step 3 when you configured an external processor in Content Capture. This property is enabled during an initial configuration only.
    Capture URL Configures the tenant URL to establish a connection with Content Capture. This property is enabled during an initial configuration and also for successive updates.
    User Configures the user associated with the IDCS client application for the WFR agent to communicate with the capture procedure. This property is enabled during an initial configuration and also for successive updates.
    Password Configures the password for the user associated with the IDCS client application for the WFR agent to communicate with the capture procedure. This property is enabled during initial configuration and also for successive updates.

    Table -8 IDCS Connection Properties

    Property Name Description
    Client ID Configures the client Id of the IDCS client application using which the WFR agent communicates with the capture procedure. This property is enabled during an initial configuration and also for successive updates.
    Client Secret Configures the client secret of the IDCS client application using which the WFR agent communicates with the capture procedure. This property is enabled during initial configuration and also for successive updates.
    URL Configures the URL to establish a connection with the IDCS. This property is enabled during an initial configuration and also for successive updates.
    Scope Configures the IDCS client application scope that the WFR agent uses to communicate with the capture procedure. This property is enabled during an initial configuration and also for successive updates.

    Table -9 WebCenter Forms Recognition Connection Properties

    Property Name Description
    Import Group Configures the specific import group associated with the WFR project to which the WFR agent should import the capture procedure documents. This property is enabled during an initial configuration and also for successive updates.
    Export Directory Configures the file system location for the WFR project-specific export directory. The WFR agent searches this location for successfully exported documents. This property is enabled during an initial configuration and also for successive updates.
    Import Processing Time Limit Configures the WFR agent timeout period so the processor waits for the WFR to process the document after importing it to WFR. By default, the WFR agent looks for the document to be exported in the export directory for 24 hours. If it cannot find the document within that time, the WFR agent updates the status for that particular document as "Import Processing Failed". This property is enabled during an initial configuration and also for successive updates.
  8. Click Next and configure the following:
    Field Name Description
    Data Format Configures data format for the attachment file and also for the field whose value is full extracted content. This drop-down list includes XML and JSON options to choose from. It is enabled during the initial configuration and remains enabled for successive updates.
    Attach extracted data as a file Specifies if the extracted data needs to be attached as a file or not. It is a check box, which is enabled during the initial configuration and remains enabled for successive updates.
    Attachment type Configures the attachment type for extracted data to be attached as a file. It is a text box, which is enabled during the initial configuration and remains enabled for successive updates.
    Generate XPath from WFR XML template Uploads the WFR XML template file which provides a set of xPath field mappings to the capture fields from the WFR Project. The uploaded XML file is stored by the WFR Agent.
  9. To add metadata, click Add WFR metadata and enter the following:
    Field Name Description
    Metadata Includes the name of the capture field to which the data from WFR is assigned. This is a capture metadata field name (case-sensitive).
    xPath Selects WFR xPaths from a combo box containing all the generated xPaths. If you want all of the XML data returned as a field value, then provide the name of the capture field to which the data is assigned and the xPath punctuation "/".
    Actions Provides the edit and delete functionality.
  10. Click Submit.
  11. If you have configured the WFR Agent (general configuration) for the first time, you must restart the agent.