Get to Know the WebCenter Forms Recognition Agent Dashboard

Your WebCenter Forms Recognition Agent dashboard is where you view integrations by their names and status messages. Let’s take a look the dashboard.

WFR agent dashboard on which you can view and purge WFR integrations

Item Description
1 On the top right are the options to navigate to Dashboard, Settings and About pages. On the Dashboard page you can view integrations by name and applicable statuses and purge successful integrations and those that failed after the retry count of 3. On the Settings page you configure the WFR Agent integrations. The About page provides the build Id and copyright information.The build Id is required at the time of contacting the support team for the resolution of any build issues that you run into.
2 In the Recent Document Activity section, you can search for integrations by their names and status messages.
3 The Purge Record button lets you delete successful integrations and those that failed after trying for three times.