All Classes and Interfaces

Part of DigitalAssetFields
Class to represent Api info returns from GetApiInfoRequest
Common base class for ContentItem and DigitalAsset.
Represents the custom fields of a Asset
Item language variations response for GetItemLanguageVariationsRequest
Id and value (i.e.
Link structure used in many sdk models
Any model object which has a "links" field (which are most objects) extend from this class.
Every SDK model object extends from this class.
Content search response from delivery SDK for SearchAssetsRequest
A ContentType can be represented in different ways, and this will centralize the handling of the possible values for a content type and how it can be used to determine whether an asset is an digital asset, content item, or custom digital asset.
Authentication using basic auth.
Authentication policy for published content, which requires a channel token associated with the published channel that was used to publish the data that the delivery SDK will request.
Abstract Authentication policy defines the authentication information used for the SDK.
The CacheSettings specifies settings for the cache behavior of the SDK The cacheDir is required to enable the cache.
Expiration time class to tweak the expiration values for cache.
For fields that might have rich text content to check, implement this interface.
Callback interface to be implemented by the app to handle the callback when an SDK operation completes.
The base class for the ContentDeliveryClient.
Represents content date as represented by the SDK.
Enum to represent the display types for a ContentDate.
Get an object for this interface by calling ContentDate.getDateParser()
This implementation of ContentDateParser uses theCalendar methods for parsing a ContentDate and is compatible with older Java (7) and Android versions less than 26.
This implementation of ContentDateParser uses the newer Java 8/Android API 26+ date/time methods based around ZonedDateTime and is preferred if your minimum Android API is 26+.
This the core class to use for making delivery SDK calls.
Encapsulates the content error structure that is returned from the sdk.
Hard-coded strings that are returned as messages in exceptions and in logs.
Encapsulates the various error conditions and contained exceptions that can occur when making SDK calls.
Various reasons the exception may have occurred
Abstract base class for all field types.
Field is a reference to another content item or digital asset.
This field is a boolean value (true or false).
This field consists of a date value, represented by a ContentDate object.
Represent a decimal value as a Double.
Represents a number value as an integer.
Field is a reference to another content item or digital asset.
Json (embeeded object) type
When a field has been explicitly identified as being largetext.
Represents a list of item references
"text" type of text field.
This field consists of a list of values (strings or numbers stored as strings).
Unknown type will simply contain the raw json value.
Represents a ContentItem type of Asset.
Specify how the SDK should handle logging.
Default logger just uses standard Android logging
To provide your own handling of logging implement this interface
Base class for SDK requests, including methods commons to all request such as the ability to disable the cache for a single call ContentRequest.noCache() or specify common options such as ContentRequest.linksNone().
Base class for SDK requests that involve a request by id or slug id.
Encapsulates an SDK response, including the deserialized result object and raw json.
The state of the response, such as whether it came from network or cached.
Main entry point for creating a delivery client using ContentSDK.createDeliveryClient(String, String) or for setting the global logging options such as ContentSDK.setLogLevel(ContentLogging.LogLevel).
For finer control over the SDK settings, such as enabling the cache or changing the connection timeout.
Utility class for dealing with custom annotations on a class object.
Representation of a digital asset.
The fixed "field" structure for a Digital Asset which contains info such as size, metadata, renditions, etc.
This object only contains "links"
The metadata for an asset (includes width and height).
For use in DigitalAsset.getPreferredRendition(DigitalAssetPreferredRenditionCriteria) when searching for preferred renditions with given criteria.
Information for a digital asset rendition, which can also have multiple formats.
A format for a specific rendition.
Enumeration of the standard reserved field names that can be used in expressions, such as "id", "type", "name".
Enumeration of the field type for content item fields, including the associated ContentField class.
Request to get API info.
Request class used to request a single content item based on a specified id.
Request class used to request a single content item based on a specified id, ane will parse the custom fields into a class with annotated fields.
Request class used to request a single digital asset based on a specified id.
Request class used to get the item language variations for a published content item that has language variations.
Request class used to get a list of publish channels.
Request class used to get a list of published taxonomies
Get a list of publish channels in the system
Generic handler for "items"
Base request for any paginated list request, such as SearchAssetsRequest
Common abstract base class for all sdk results that return a paginated response.
This is an abbreviated model for published channels as it's only used for getting the publish channel token for a given name.
For handling response from getting channel list.
Common digital asset rendition types.
The interface used for defining the retrofit endpoints for all SDK REST API calls.
Request class used to search for a content item request based on specific search criteria.
This helper class will construct the raw "filter" string to use when specifying a filter for SearchAssetsRequest.
Enumerates the possible query operator values
Taxonomy model for a content item.
Category model within a Taxonomy.
Used internally for test purposes and may change in the future.