Change Page Settings

You can change page settings such as name, title, URL, headers, footers, and other options. You can also use the Properties tab to add custom page properties.

  1. Open a site for editing.
  2. Click the page for which you want to change the settings, then click Settings icon.
  3. Change the settings as needed:
    • Page Type:
      • Web Page: The page and content reside with the site. You name the page and define its content, specify where the page goes in the site, and specify how the page behaves in the context of the current site.
      • External Link: The page is referenced from another location specified by a URL. You can name the page, specify where goes in the site, and specify how the page behaves in the context of the current site. Because you’re using a page from a live site, you can’t change the content of a linked page.

        In the site tree, a page that links to an external URL has Link icon before the page name.

    If you select Web Page, you see the following settings:

    • Page Name: You can use letters, numbers, underscores (_), and hyphens (-).

      Don’t use the following names for site templates, themes, components, sites, or site pages: authsite, content, pages, scstemplate_*, _comps, _components, _compsdelivery, _idcservice , _sitescloud, _sitesclouddelivery, _themes, _themesdelivery. Although you can use the following names for site pages, don’t use them for site templates, themes, components, or sites: documents, sites.

    • Page URL: By default, the page name is used for the page URL. Spaces are automatically replaced with hyphens. To use a URL other than the default, click Override and add the file name used in the URL. You can use letters, numbers, underscores (_), and hyphens (-). Be sure to include a file extension. The default file extension is .html.
    • Page Layout: The page layout defines the general structure of the page, but not the content. A layout contains one or more named slots where you can put content. The number and type of page layouts depends on the theme associated with your site.
    • Mobile Page Layout: The mobile page layout defines the general structure of the page when viewed on a mobile device.
    • Page Title: The page title doesn’t show up on the page itself, but in the browser title bar or browser tab when the page displays. To add a title on the page, use the editor to add a title component.
    • Page Description: The description doesn’t show up on the page , but lets you add information about the page for other contributors or for your own use.
    • Keywords: Specify optional keywords separated by commas to help search engines identify the content of the page. Keywords are useful to identify terms or concepts that don’t appear in the text of the page or that appear in images. The keywords don’t appear on the page, but search engines use them to locate and identify your site. Good descriptions, keywords, and synonyms can increase traffic to your website.
    • Page Header: Add an optional page header scripting or tags for analytics or tracking. Validate any code you use in the header or footer to make sure it works properly and doesn’t introduce any security risks to your site.
    • Page Footer: Add an optional page footer scripting or tags for analytics or tracking. By default, the footer contains the text for pop-ups displayed regarding the use of cookies on the site with a link to the Privacy Policy. If you’re a developer, you can edit the text that’s displayed. Validate any code you use in the header or footer to make sure it works properly and doesn’t introduce any security risks to your site.
    • Page Options:
      • Error page: If an error prevents a requested page from displaying, show this page instead of the default error page. By default, when you select this option, Hide page from navigation and all the search engine options are also selected. You can deselect the options if you want the error page to be included in the navigation or in search engine results.
      • Hide page from navigation: Don’t include the page in the automatically generated navigation for the site.
      • Detail page: Use this page to display detail information for a content item selected on another page. Structured content is available for enterprise users only. By default, when you select this option, Hide page from navigation is also selected. You can deselect the option if you do want the detail page to be included in the navigation.

        When structured content items are configured to use the detail page and a user clicks the link for more details on a structured content item, the detail page is displayed with detailed information for the content item.

      • Search page: Use this page to display results from a search. You can select this page in the Link settings of a Content Search component. See Content Search. By default, when you select this option, Hide page from navigation is also selected. You can deselect the option if you do want the search page to be included in the navigation.
    • SEO Options:
      • Hide page from search engines: Notify search engines not to index the content of the page so it doesn’t show up in search results.
      • Hide page links from search engines: Notify search engines not to follow links on the page and consequently don’t index the link destinations.
      • Disable search engine page caching: Notify search engines not to cache this page.
      • Hide page descriptions from search engines: Notify search engines not to include the description (specified above) after the page in the search results.
    • Cobrowse: If your administrator has enabled cobrowse for your system, and cobrowse has been enabled for this site, you see an option to select if this page will have a Cobrowse button to use with browsing sessions. A cobrowse session uses Oracle Cobrowse Cloud Service to manage a screen sharing experience with a site visitor. See Enable Cobrowse Integration and Using Cobrowse on a Page.
    • Analytics Options: If this site includes an analytics tracking snippet, you can override the snippet for this page. Click the override switch, and edit the script. For more information, see Add Analytics Tracking. If you edit the site snippet, a message says that the script has been modified. To remove your customizations: Restore to Latest Site Script.

    If you select External Link, you see the following settings:

    • Page Name: You can use letters, numbers, underscores (_), and hyphens (-). The name is used in the site tree to identify the page. Spaces are automatically replaced with hyphens.
    • Link URL: Specify the full URL to the page. For example:
    • Open link in a new window: If you want the page to open in a new browser window or tab, select this option. If you don’t select this option, the page opens in the current window, replacing your site page and navigation.
    • Page Options:
      • Error page: If an error prevents a requested page from displaying, show this page instead of the default error page. By default, when you select this option, Hide page from navigation is also selected. You can deselect the option if you want the error page to be included in the navigation.
      • Hide page from navigation: Don’t include the page in the automatically generated navigation for the site.
      • Detail page: Use this page to display detail information for a content item selected on another page. Structured content is available for enterprise users only. By default, when you select this option, Hide page from navigation is also selected. You can deselect the option if you do want the detail page to be included in the navigation.

        When structured content items are configured to use the detail page and a user clicks the link for more details on a structured content item, the detail page is displayed with detailed information for the content item.

      • Search page: Use this page to display results from a search. You can select this page in the Link settings of a Content Search component. See Content Search. By default, when you select this option, Hide page from navigation is also selected. You can deselect the option if you do want the search page to be included in the navigation.
  4. To save all pending changes in the current update, click Save.